What is he hiding? (Chapter 19)

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-Gabriel woke up seeing Nathalie gently breathing in his arms

-A little smile appeared on his face as he started cuddling her, a few moments later she woke up

G- Goodmorning sweetie

N- Mmmm...

G- We need to get up dear-

N- Five more minutes..

G- Alright then..

-Gabriel said as he cuddled Nathalie again

N- I love you-

G- I love you too my dear Nathalie.

-After a few moments Gabriel got out of bed to go shower, as Nathalie also got up going to her room to make herself ready

-As she was done she walked downstairs to the kitchen. She made some coffee as she sat down, then Adrien walked in.

A- Goodmorning Nathalie!

N- Goodmorning Adrien, did you sleep wel?

A- Yea- i did. I am going to school now!

-In a split second Adrien was gone as Nathalie got lost in thought a bit

N- He's acting a bit strange.. There's something wrong-

-Her thoughts got interrupted by Gabriel coming into the kitchen, giving her a kiss on the cheeck

-He saw her staring into space, as he sat next to her while his coffee was being made

G- He Nathalie-

N- Huh?

-She turned to him a bit confused

G- Are you alright dear, you seam a bit- lost i thought.

N- I-im fine- No- im not.

G- What's wrong? Is it about-

N- No! It's just that- Adrien had been acting a bit stranger just a few moments ago.

-Gabriel grabbed his coffee as he took a sip and spoke

G- Yea, i saw him running outside quickly.

N- What could it be?

G- I don't know, but don't worry Nath. We will ask him if he's back home, okay?

N- .. Okay-

-She smiled at him as he smiled back at her. Then the both walked to the office to start there work.

Meanwhile with Adrien..

-Adrien was in the car as his bodyguard was driving him to school.

P- Kid, i think that you were off a little too fast-

A- I know Plagg, but i am just so exicted for what i am going to do-

P- I know, but it is important that you don't look to suspicious..

A- Don't worry Plagg, it will be fine.

-Adrien said with a smile as he got out of the car walking towards Marinette, who was waiting for him

M- Are you ready?

A- Yes i am. Come on-

-They held hands as they walked into school

To be continued..

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