I'll be there for you.. (Chapter 9)

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-After the beatiful night that Nathalie and Monarch had Nathalie had fallen asleep in Gabriels arms

-As It was morning Gabriel slowly started to wake up as he saw Nathalie peacefully sleeping in his arms

-He smiled as he looked at the clock

G- (Oh no! It's 9 pm!! I am late for work and so is Nathalie!)

-Gabriel slowly stood up from the bed trying not to wake up Nathalie

-When he got out of bed he looked at Nathalie who slowly started to wake up


G- Dark wings rise-

N- Good morning

M- Goof morning my love

N- What's the time? Oh no!! Im late to work!!

-Nathalie quiqly stood out of bed and ran to the bathroom

M- Well, i need to go now dear. See you later-

N- Wait

-Nathalie stepped up to him and gave him a quick kiss

N- See you later

-She said with a smile as he blushed a bit

M- She is suchawonderful women..

-Monarch quickly got to his room and transformed back into Gabriel

-As the both of them made themselves ready they walked out of their rooms at the same time

N- Oh- good morning sir. I am so sorry! I overslept myself!

G- don't worry Nath i did too

-They both chuckled as they walked to the office

-but all of the sudden Nathalie started getting a coughing fit

G- Nathalie!!

-He ran up to her as she blacked out

-When she woke up again she was in the hospital

-Gabriel was standing next to her with a conserned look

-Then the doctor entered

D- Im sorry to inform you miss Sanceour but your getting worse. Your body is weakening.

G- What does that mean? 

-Gabriel said in a conserned tone 

D- That- she will need to stay in the hospital for some time until her state is better. Even though it is more likely it isn't going to get better.. 

G- Is there anything we can do to cure her? Please-

-Gabriel said as he looked at Nathalie

D- She will need to have surgerey, so that we can cure this desease once and for all.

N- But- I-i can't.

D- Then there is nothing more i can do, im sorry.

-The doctor said as he walked out

-Nathalie imideatly started sobbing as Gabriel gently hugged her crying too

N- I-i need to be alone for now.

G- Yes dear

-As Gabriel walked out as Nathalie was left alone 

G- (What can i do!? wait- i know what..)

-He ran to the bathroom to transform

-Nathalie was sitting in her room as she heard a knock coming from the window

-As she looked up she saw Monarch at the window

N- Omg Monarch!

-She opened the window as her bed was close to it

M- Hello my dear

-He said as he got inside

N- Hi

-Nathalie said in a sad tone as she started to cry

M- Hey what's goign on? Why are you crying?

-He sat next to her holding her hand and gently wiping away her tears

N- I- just.

N- The doctor said that if i want to cure the desease i have to do surgerey. But- I am just to scared and weak!

-She said thru her tears

M- Hey dear, that's not true. you aren't weak, you are a very strong and fierce women. And that's why i love you,.

-Nathalie smiled a bit as she wiped her tears away

N- But- i don't know what to do! If i don't do it i will suffer!

M- Look, waht happened to your mother is not going to happen to you. You can trust these doctors, there here for you. Just like me-

N- They said the same to me and my mother, and that ended up her being dead!

-She said crying again 

M- Oh my Nathalie..

-He gently hugged her as she cried

M- We wil get thru this together, i will be there for you.

-As she sobbed he gently cupped her face and said

M- Maybe you should start explaining this to your doctor, he will understand and help you with this.

N- Y-you promise?

M-  I promise

-He said as he gently kissed her on the lips for a few seconds

-As they looked at eachother with love, hoping that evrything will be alright..

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