Hard decicion. (Chapter 13)

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-Ladyflame was jumping over the rooftops as fast as she could, while Monarch was trying to catch up with her

-In the end she stopped running as Monarch landed on the same building as her

M- I am- out- of- breath-

-He said breathng heavily

LF- I see that

-She said chuckling

-When Monarch had catched his breath he looked up at her

M- Why did you run away so fast from me?

LF- No reason.

M- Wdym, no reason? I just ran five miles after you for NO REASON!?

LF- Yea-

-She said with a grin on her face

M- You drive me crazy, you know that right?

-Ladyflame only smiled at him

-Then.. they heard someone behind them

C- You finally showed up grandpa-

-They turned around to see Chat Noir standing behind them

-Then Ladybug also showed up

C- Let's end this-

LF- Wait!

-Ladyflame said as they stood there looking at her

LF- We don't want any problems, we just need your help!

L- Our help? Why would you want our help?

C- And who are you anyway?

LF- My name is Ladyflame and me and Monarch came here because we need your help.

C- Don't have anything to say grandpa?

M- For the last time- I AM NOT THAT-

-Ladyflame imideatly put her hand on his choulder so that he could calm down

L- With what do you need our help anyway?

C- Let me quess, our Miraculous?

M- No, beacuse of this-

-Monarch showed the heroes his cataclysemed wound

C- Oh the little reminder i gave you-

LF- Yea, Ladybug you are the guardian of the Miraculous right?

L- Yes?

LF- Well, do you have a formular in the grimoire to cure this-

C- Wait, wait, wait. So let me get this straight- You guys want our help, when you have been terrorizng Paris, akumatizing people and stealing m'lady's Miraculouses! And now you want our help!? No way!

-Cat Noir said sticking to the point as Ladybug was thinking it all thru

L- Wait chat- I think i know what to do.

C- What?

-Ladybug stepped closer to them as she spoke

L- I will try to help you heal the wound- but on one condition.

-Thye both stood there waiting for her to finish her sentence

L- Monarch and Ladyflame youw will reveal your identities to me.

M- What!? Never!!

C- Alright then, suite yourselve.

-As they were about to leave Ladyflame stopped them

LF- Wait! Can you please give us a minute to talk about this.

C- A minute? 

LF- Yes.

L- Okay, we will give you guys a minute.

-The heroes said jumping away

-Monarch was looking the other way as she put a hand on his schoulder

LF- Monarch, we need to make a decicion.

-He didn't asnwer

LF- But first i want to ask you a question- Do you actually love me?

-Monarch turned to her as he spoke

M- Ofcourse darling.

LF- do you want to be with me?

M- Yes- More then anything-

LF- Then you need to chose. And i know that this is going to be hard for you, but there is no other way. Who do you want? Emilie or me?

M- What kind of question is that!?

-Monarch said a little iritated

LF- You need to chose Gabriel, or we will agree to this and heal your wound so that we can be with eachoter. Or you won't agree and keep on being a villain-

M- Then i chose that.

LF- I wasn't finished yet. You agree on keep being a villain and have the chance that- that you won't make it. 

-Gabriel then looked at her with tears in his eyes

LF- Please my love you need to-

C- Were back!

-Cat Noir yelled as they landed on the rooftop

L- So what is your decision?

-They both turned around as Ladyflame looked at Monarch

M- Fine- will do it.

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