I'll never leave you- never. (Chapter 18)

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G- I am so sorry for evrything i've done Nath, i should have never made the wish to bring her back-

N- Wait- You did all of this just to return your wish to bring me back?

-Gabriel nodded at her tears in his eyes

N- But- sir! You had Emilie back! And you don't care!? I thought you loved her??

G- I do, but now i realise that you are the one for me Nathalie. Only you, i-i love you.

-Nathalie smiled at him as she said the words

N- I love you too Gabriel

-They shared a passionate kiss as they pulled away afterwards, looking eachoter deep in the eyes

-After all of this, Gabriel and Nathalie couldn't thank master fu, Ladybug and Adrien enough for helping them. Gabriel gave away all of the Miraculouses, including his.

-Then the three of them were back in the Agreste Mansion, as Gabriel wanned to talk to Nathalie in private.

N- What's wrong Gabriel?

-Nathalie asked as they were in his room sitting on the bed

G- Well.. I-

N- Just say it my love, your making me a bit nervous.

-She said putting her hand on top of his for comfert

G- You know that- there is always a price to pay for returing a wish?

N- Y-yes? Why?

G- Well, they used the quinten imprint of my cataclysemed hand- 

-Gabriel said showing her his arm again

G- And- 

-Nathalie looked at him with concern as he finished his sentence

G- I- i don't have long left. Because of this i- can never be healed again.


-Nathalie said tears in her eyes

G- No i am not, i only have a few weeks left now..

N- No. No-

-Nathalie started sobbing as Gabriel took her in his arms, crying as well

G- My dear Nathalie, it's going to be okay. Your going to be okay-

-Nathalie just sobbed as they both layed down in bed. Gariel took her in his arms once again, as her head layed on his chest. She was still sobbing as Gabriel whispered words in her ear to calm her down.

G- It's going to be okay, i promise.

G- Sshhh- im still here. Im here.

G- Im not gone yet, i am here my dear-

N- B-but, your going to leave me- 

-Nathalie slowly whispered back

G- I will never leave you-


I am litereally almost crying myself..


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