The plan.. (Chapter 12)

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N- So what is the plan?

G- Well, like we just said i can go meet Ladybug and Cat Noir for help.

N- Should i come with you?

G- No Nathalie, or else they will know my identity if they see you. but wait-

N- What?

G- I do have an Miraculous you could leand so that your idenity stays a secret. But wait-

N- What now?

-Nathalie said in an annoyed tone crossing her arms at him

G- When i got all the Miraculouses from Ladybug i had traded this Miraculous with Felix.

N- Felix!? How does he know that your monarch!?

G- I have absolutely no idea dear, but you could leand one of my other Miraculouses if you like.

N- But wouldn't that be risky, as the're after those Miraculouses?

G- Were already risking a lot Nath so this won't be a problem.

N- Okay.

G- Come on

-Gabriel said as they both went back up to his lair. 

-As they arrived Gabriel transformed

G- Noroo, dark wings rise

N- You know- I actually like you more as Monarch then Gabriel.

-Monarch turned around and spoke

M- And why's that?

-He said tysingly

N- Wel.. because your way more hotter as Monarch.

M- Oh, okay-

-Monarch stepped closer to her pushing her against the wall

-Nathalie started blushing like crazy as he chuckled

M- You look cute when your blushing Nath.

N- You look handsome when your nearby.

-They both smiled as they looked in eachoter eyes for a moment

-Then Monarch leaned in and started kissing Nathalie as she imideatly gave in

-She wraped her amrms around his neck kissing him passionatly putting all of her emotions in this kiss

-He did the same as he pulled her even closer to him from her back

-They rolled their tongs together as they kiss once more deepingly for a few moments

-Then they pulled away both out of breath from this deep kiss..

M- Why did you deepend the kiss so fast?

N- Why are you asking me that question?

M- Because i wanne know.

N- Well, we never know when it's the last time that we could make love with eachoter you know.

M- He Nathalie, don't worry we'll be fine.

-He said holding her face as he looked into her eyes

N- You promise?

M- Yes.

-The they hugged for a moment as Monarch rubbed Nathalies back for some comfort

M- So. let's do this i quess?

N- Yes.

-Nathalie said as she looked at the Kwamis and the rings

N- Mmm.. I think i am going to chose- The dragon!

M- The dragon?

N- What? 

M- No nothing.

N- Okay?

-She said as Monarch pressed his ring to Longs cage

M- Here-

-He said giving her the ring as she put it on

N- Thanks.

-She said smiling at him as he smiled back at her

M- (She has such a sweet smile.. Ok Gabriel! Back to business!) The only thing you need to say to transform is, Long bring the storm.

N- Long, bring the storm!

-Nathalie said as she transformed

-She had a beautiful costume with fire flames and her hair was in a big ponytail

M- Wow, you look-

N- Stunning? She said giggling.

M- So, what is your name going to be?

N- Do i really need a name?

M- Well, what is Ladybug and Cat Noir ask your name. What are you going to tell them, Nathalie?

N- Yea, yea smarty pant! Uhmmm, Lady-

M- Flame!

N- Good think work Monie!

M- Wtf did you just call me?

-She didn't asnwer as she was already going out of the lair

M- He come back here!

N- Byeeeee

M- Ugh this lady she drives me crazy- but i like it.

-He said with a little smirk as he got after her.

To be continued soooonnnn.....

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