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In the bustling city of Seoul, amidst the neon lights and bustling streets, four inseparable friends found solace in each other's company. Jennie, Chaeyoung, Jisoo, and Lisa were a tight-knit quartet, bound together by laughter, tears, and an unbreakable bond forged through years of shared experiences.

At the center of their friendship stood Lisa, a radiant soul whose infectious smile could light up even the darkest of nights. With her charisma and charm, she effortlessly captivated the hearts of those around her, including her three devoted friends.

Jennie, with her fierce independence and magnetic allure, harbored a secret longing for Lisa that she dared not speak aloud. Each stolen glance, each fleeting touch only served to fuel the flames of desire burning within her heart, yet she remained silent, afraid to risk their friendship for the sake of her unrequited love.

Chaeyoung, with her free-spirited nature and boundless creativity, found herself drawn to Lisa's magnetic presence like a moth to a flame. She admired Lisa's confidence and grace, her ability to navigate the complexities of life with such poise and elegance. Yet, beneath her admiration lay a yearning that she dared not acknowledge, a longing for something more than friendship.

And then there was Jisoo, with her gentle kindness and unwavering loyalty, the steady anchor that kept their friendship grounded amidst the chaos of their lives. She cherished every moment spent with Lisa, treasuring each smile, each shared secret as if it were a precious gift. But beneath her calm exterior lay a heart that ached with longing, a desire to be more than just a friend to the one she loved.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the tension between the four friends reached a boiling point, threatening to tear their bond asunder. Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Jisoo found themselves entangled in a web of emotions, their hearts pulled in conflicting directions by their love for Lisa.

And so, amidst the glittering lights of Seoul, amidst the laughter and tears of their shared memories, the four friends found themselves caught in a love triangle as intricate and delicate as a spider's web, each one longing for a love that seemed just out of reach.

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