Liam + Zoey + Sean + Stacy's Mom + Zander + Mrs. Jones

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Liam and Henry got together on a phone call one night, and became boyfriends that same night. Liam had liked Henry for years before this, so it worked out great. Their relationship was really fluffy and wholesome. They came out as poly, and invited others into their relationship.

Zoey kinda shoved into relationship and rushed it. Sean and Zoey were dating before they joined with Henry and Liam. The four of them dated happily for a while, almost a month.

Zoey cheated on them with Drew, Jake, and Hailey at some random festival.

Sean broke up with them and skedaddled outta there after Zoey cheated.

Henry met Stacy's mom online, and Liam agreed to ask her out. Their relationship was online (for all anyone knows about). Liam and Henry got blocked and ghosted after a few weeks, ending the short relationship.

Liam and Henry (mostly Henry) liked Zander and asked him out. Zander was obsessed with Henry and Liam, and was controlling and overprotective of them. Zander was really bad for Henriams already declined mental health. Zander tried to off himself multiple times during the relationship, and Henriam was afraid to break up with him. In the end, Zander cheated on them, so they broke up with Zander and kicked him out of their relationship.

Henry found a discord account of a young woman who looked like Mrs. Jones. Playing it off as cool, Henriam started calling it "Mrs. Jones' Fake Discord Account." Henry said "Mrs. Jones" wanted to meet Liam, so they got on a call together. Henry and Liam asked out "Mrs. Jones", and they started dating.

Not much is known after that except for the fact that the relationship ended nicely, somehow. Probably because it was indeed Mrs. Jones.

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