Sean + Stacy Extended Vers.

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At some point before Christmas 2022, Sean and Henry got together.

Stacy moved from California to Alabama in January 2023. Only two weeks after Stacy started going to Rose Meadow High School, Stacy admitted to liking Henry, and Henry asked her out. Stacy, being the goofiest goober that ever goobered, said yes. Henry was really sweet to her and he brought her candy and Doritos every single day. 

He acted like he loved her a lot, but he was menupulative (manipulative) to her and pressured her into a love triangle with him and Sean. Stacy didn't know that Sean and Henry were together before she got with Henry, so feeling awkward, she agreed to the love triangle.

Within an hour, Sean broke up with Henry and Stacy. Like literally within the lunch period.

About a month later, Henry ended the relationship with Stacy, claiming she was "not respecting boundaries" and "stripping him of his masculinity". Stacy literally did nothing wrong.

After the breakup, Henry told Luke and a bunch of other people really mean things about Stacy. These people had never met Stacy before, so they didn't have anything else to go off of except for the lies that Henry was telling them about her.

A few months later, a huge drama erupted after an argument between Stacy and Henry. Henry claims that Stacy was giving death threats, and that she told him to Roblox Oof, but Stacy never said anything of the sort. She literally only called him one meanie name and that was it.

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