Mrs. Jones' Fake Discord Account Extended Vers.

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(uhmmmm sooo waitiawifo i got this i got this i thought i- uhmmmm i got this i got this i theresd been so many epople  i cant even)

Henry found a discord account of a young woman who looked a lot like Mrs. Jones. Henriam started calling it "Mrs. Jones' Fake Discord Account" because it was funny and cool and stuff. Henry said "Mrs. Jones" wanted to meet Liam, so they got on a video call together, but "Mrs. Jones'" video was not on the whole time. Liam was really nervous the whole time. Henry and Liam asked out "Mrs. Jones", but Mrs. Jones said she had to put down her cat, so she left. They started dating, apparently.

Mrs. Jones' Fake Discord account was apparently sent to a mental hospital, so they broke up because nobody wants to date a physio.

Not much is known after that except for the fact that the relationship ended nicely, somehow. Probably because it was indeed Mrs. Jones.

The parenthesis at the top was supplied by Pickle. He be funny af.

Henry's Chaotic Dating Life - Tmf fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن