Luke Extended Vers.

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Me, Henry, and Elliot, a friend of ours, had a sleepover and were goofing around the house. Henry was "jokingly" flirting with me and being all touchy. I, who didn't know what boundaries were, was so uncomfortable with this and didn't know what to do other than go along with it. The three of us were about to watch a movie, and Elliot jokingly laid on the floor. As we laughed, telling them to get up, Elliot said, "I'll get up if you two kiss." Henry looked over at me, smiling, and I, still uncomfortable, didn't know what to do. I was also under a lot of pressure, and just muttered "yes" because Henry was already touching me, then he kissed me.

I ran over to my couch, because that was my first kiss and if I'm being honest, I hated it. I wanted to cry because felt so violated. Henry followed me and sat on top of me giggling. Later, he sat down with me asking if I liked him and if we could have a relationship. I didn't want to, and didn't know how to say it since my sister and Elliot kept cheering it on.

I wanted to say no, but it felt like Henry was blackmailing me and making me say yes. "Please, please, please," he said. I finally gave in, and when everyone went home the next day, I wanted to die. The only thought that was in my mind was: "what the fuck did I get myself into."

Later, the next weekend, I was walking with Elliot, the one who was at the sleepover with us.

They told me about how they went to a convention with some other friends, and Henry apparently also had a sleepover with them. Elliot said, "Hey I don't know if you already know this, but Henry is cheating on you." I was shocked. I was so confused, and Elliot proceeded to tell me how Henry was being all flirty with some kid named Sadie he met for the first time. They were holding toes, matching bracelets, cuddling.

I honestly didn't care, but when Elliot showed me a picture of Henry kissing the kid on the lips. I lost it. A kid he met for the first time... wow. When we confronted Henry, and he told me it was all platonic... LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?! I was mad and broke up with him after a long talk over call.

Henry started to speed rumors about me after we broke up. I knew it was gonna happen. He said meanie things like I was racist, ableist and manipulative.

It was funny because he talked shit about many people, and that turned out to be a lie, so I just brushed it off.

Later his new boyfriend, Liam, was arguing to me about how I was a piece of shit. Turns out Henry convinced him to do it. I argued back, telling him that he'll realize eventually that Henry is dick.

Me and Liam are chill and are friends now. Henry is lonely and probably has a new victim on his list.

Yes, this is all real and true it sounds so bizarre like wow Henry really got away with that shit.

This entire chapter was supplied by IRL Luke. They dated the IRL Henry, and were eager to supply me with tea.

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