Liam + Daisy, Zoey, Sean Extended Vers.

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Liam and Henry got together on a phone call on May 25th, 2023, and became boyfriends on that same night. Henry asked Liam if he liked Daisy on that same call, and Liam said, "kind of", so Henry asked if he wanted to get on a call with Daisy and ask her out, and Liam said "sure". They got on a call and asked Daisy out. Daisy said yes, and they got together, which is kinda messed up because Henry and Daisy had just broken up recently. Liam had had a crush on Henry for almost a year at that point, so in Liam's eyes, it worked out amazingly. Their relationship seemed fluffy and wholesome on the outside, and when they openly came out as poly, many people wanted to be a part of their "healthy" relationship.

Zoey kinda shoved into relationship and rushed it. Sean and Zoey were dating before they joined with Henry, Daisy, and Liam. Zoey was very sexual with the others, and tried to pressure them into doing sus things. Zoey was really touchy with Henry. Henry was angry about the touchiness. They didn't confront Zoey about it for a while, though. The five of them dated "happily" for a while, almost a month.

Daisy started growing distant over a week or so, so Henry broke up with her. Daisy didn't really go anything wrong. Turns out that Daisy was just at her cousin's house and couldn't call the whole time.

Zoey cheated on them with Drew, Jake, and Hailey at some random festival. After they found out Zoey cheated, Liam and Henry confronted Zoey about the touchiness. Zoey tried to play victim, and denied everything.

"I didn't cheat on you guys, I swear!"

"I wasn't even touching him!"

Zoey was going to tell Sean that she cheated on them at tie-quan-doe. (sorry ik i butchered that) (Taekwondo) (im keeping that in)

Liam and Henry were outraged with the cheating and all that, so they broke up with Zoey.

Sean broke up with them and skedaddled outta there after Zoey cheated and got banished from the relationship.

Pickle says, "It just kinda ended there idk"

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