Sean + Stacy + Lia + Luke + Daisy

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At some point before Christmas, Sean and Henry got together.

Stacy moved and started going to Rosemeadow High. Only two weeks after Stacy came to the school, Henry asked Stacy out. Stacy being the goofy goober she is, she said yes. Henry acted like he loved her a lot. 

He wanted love triangle with Stacy and Sean. Stacy said it was okay, but then Sean broke up with them both. About a month later, Henry broke up with Stacy for "not respecting boundaries" even though Stacy didn't do anything wrong. 

Henry told Luke and a bunch of others mean things about Stacy before they even met Stacy for the first time. A few months later, drama erupted because of another argument between Stacy and Henry. Henry said Stacy said a death threat, but Stacy literally only called Henry a coward and that's it.

Lia started dating Henry a little bit after Henry and Stacy broke up. Things were going decent until Lia got suspended for threatening to shoot up the school because someone called her a fat-ass. They broke up because Lia was naughty and got suspended.

Luke and Henry got together shortly after that happened. Things were going pretty smoothly, this was one of the less toxic relationships at first, but Luke thought Henry cheated on him with Sadie (friend of a friend), but Henry claims he didn't. Luke says Henry claims it was a platonic hangout, but Luke thinks it was a real date. Luke thought Henry kissed Sadie, even though they only knew each other for a few days.

Henry said Luke was racist when they broke up.

There isn't much to know about Daisy and Henrys relationship, but their relationship ended on a high note. Apparently, Henry broke up with Daisy to get with Liam.

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