30: We just kidnapped Valerie

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In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most merciful

Therefore, shall Allah forgive you your sins- whatever has preceded of them and whatever of them is to come. And, therefore, shall He perfect His blessing upon you and guide you along a straight way of salvation (Q: 48 V: 2)

"You should have accepted Aiden's offer to egg Valerie's house", Hailey grumbled from where she was sprawled out on the floor, letting Tabitha sniff her hand, "we could have done it together, and it would have been so much fun"

I laughed and pushed aside our forgotten game of Snake and Ladders, Hailey was over at my house for the weekend, and we'd been holed up in my room for the past three hours.

"No thanks, not my definition of fun", I chuckled, folding my legs under me and leaning against the headboard, "besides it sounds like a hassle, and a huge waste of eggs"

Hailey lips turned downwards in a pout and she stuck her tongue out at me, "you're so boring"

"If I'm boring, then why are you here?"

"Don't get cocky. I'm here to see Tabitha, not you"

"Oh really?", I raised a brow, "have fun with her then, don't talk to me since I'm so boring"

"With pleasure", Hailey grinned and scooped Tabitha into her arms, but the smile quickly fell from her face as my cat dug into her shoulders, "yeowch! Her claws are too damn long! She needs a freaking manicure!"

I burst out laughing as Tabitha was placed back on the floor, Hailey turned to me with a vicious glare, "you knew that didn't you?"

"Actually no", I managed to choke out, "but that didn't make it any less funny"

"I hate you"

"Yeah yeah, now come over here and let's watch Summertime rendering"

Hailey stood up and joined me on the bed, "a new anime?", she asked.

"Nope, it came out two years ago I think", I replied and switched on my laptop, "Easton told me about it"

"Easton?", Hailey's brows rose in surprise, "you two are really friends now"

"Yeah we are", I smiled. It had been two weeks since Easton explained himself and apologized to me, and in the process of getting to know each other- I found out that he was also a fan of anime. That fact alone cemented our friendship for good, we were getting along really well that even Hassan was confused.

"Now that I think about it, he's pretty hot. That golden brown skin and curly hair", Hailey wiggled her brows and nudged me, "mind introducing your stunning friend right here? He's single right?"

"Wow, cheating on Brian already?", I joked.

"Eh", she gave a lighthearted shrug, "nothing wrong with having a backup"

Laughter broke out in my throat and I raised a brow, "I thought Mateo was your backup"

Hailey grinned, "then Easton can be my backup backup"

A loud laugh escaped my mouth, and I shook my head at my crazy friend, "you're unbelievable"

"Unbelievable, awesome, super cool, badass", she listed haughtily, "the same thing"

"You forgot to add weird and nutcase"

"Please, I take pride in my nonconformism", Hailey quipped with a flick of her short blonde hair, revealing the brown roots, "my best quality is not fitting in, and that's more than okay"

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