season 1 ep3

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Sene: Walking through the mountains the flower biome is in sight.

“Look we’re almost out of the mountains.” Clip said.
“You don’t think there was something strange about that man?” koxes said, “I’ve had skin bumps since he left.”
“You’re being paranoid. Even if he was a suspicious person he was a normal and we could beat him in a fight.” Clip said
“Why is a normal traveling through vanishing pass alone? You don’t find that strange?” Koxes said
“No.”  Clip said irritable.
“What about you Bink? What did you think of him?” Koxes said.
“Hu” Bink said like he wasn't fully listening, “hmmmm well I don’t really think anything.”
Koxes glared at him. ‘Bink appeared suspicious last night?’ he thought.
“I thought he was fun.” Mico said. “All we needed was some beer and last night would have been a gut load of fun.”
“Why don’t you just drop it Koxes. I liked Juko and I hope we bump into him again. Maybe he can teach me some more songs.” Clip said

Clip pulled out her guitar and started strumming a tune as they walked the rest of the way through the mountains.

♫♫Poko la de da Poko you see.
Poko la de da Poko is keen.
Poko la de da when she’s ready to go-
don’t mess with Poko and her battle axe oh oh oh ohh

She’s tall and strong and fast and frearce, I couldn’t have gotten a better sibling.
You give her chips and she’ll kill any beast but offer her friendship and she’ll do it for free.
Poko la de da Poko you see.
Poko la de da Poko is keen.
Poko la de da when she’s ready to go-
don’t mess with Poko and her battle axe oh oh oh ohh

Her sense of humor seems corse and strange. Don’t tell her that she’ll kick out your brains. And once your brains are good and gone you’ll laugh away like she’s number one.

Poko la de da Poko you see.
Poko la de da Poko is keen.
Poko la de da when she’s ready to go-
don’t mess with Poko and her battle axe oh oh oh ohh

Her best friend is her battle axe Hal. life was much better when they were around. They would play and sing along with me. During the nights when things were dark you see.

Poko la de da Poko you see.
Poko la de da Poko is keen.
Poko la de da when she’s ready to go-
don’t mess with Poko and her battle axe
It's all about Poko and her might attacks. ♫♫

Konk stood on a tall rock further ahead and motioned for koxes to come.
Koxes ran over to look. “It looks like there’s a small village over there.”
“Hopefully they have a job so we can earn some chips.” Clip siad
“What happened to all the chips you had?” koxes said
“I bought food...and I ate it.” Clip said
“Really all of it.” koxes said looking at her.
“Yes I was reallly really hungry.” Clip said
Koxes took a deep breath and continued walking rubbing his hands through his hair. Konk gave Koxes a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
Clip said, “Konk doesn’t talk much dose he?”
“Yes” koxes said.
“I like it.” Mico said snuggling up close to Konk nearly pushing him over. Konk smirks slightly and didn’t seem to mind the attention. “ quiet and mysterious.”
“Tell your sword to stop bullying my sword.” Koxes said
“No Mico’s just playing.” Clip said.
“I don’t think anyone would want Mico flailing on them like that.” Bink said. Mico stuck her tongue out at Bink, “Do you see what I mean?”
“Konk obviously doesn’t mind.” Clip said.
They walk out into a clearing surrounded by daisy trees. The grass is tall and once they were all a few feet into the clearing Clip heard rusle and swore she saw a patch of tall grass move. Then she heard another rusle from the opposite direction and this time she was sure she saw it move.
“Koxes did you see..” Clip started to say when the grass motioned all around them began to move in to them. “Mico Bink return.” Clip yelled
“Konk return” Koxes yelled and they we’re both armed.
Koxes was knocked off his feet and flung to the side and Clip had the same experience right after. They both jumped up and began swinging at random spots in the grass but were knocked down again and again.
“What is attaching us!” Clip yelled
“I don’t Know!” Koxes yelled. “Clip Jump!” he yells and jumps in the air and comes down fast while twirling; slicing a ten foot area around them clearing the tall grass. A few pollen pups laid sliced in half and dead on the ground, they poofed into pollen dust and fur bits. More of them darted in and out of the taller grass growling at them.
“We must be near a nest.” Clip said and three pollen pups flew at her. She cut them from the air.  Clip slices one with her sword and somo karate kicked another one. (as soon as her foot hit the pollen pup its eyes turned into little x’s it flew a few feet then exploded into pollen dust and fur.) she blocked a few more with Bink pevited away from the mass of them and sliced about six of them in half also turning them into dust and fur. One slammed into her leg knocking her over. Another one came in for her throat as she was falling and Koxes sliced it in half. Clip got a face full of pollen dust.
“Eww pup dust.” Clip said getting up.
“I guess I could have let it rip your throat out then your face would be fine.” Koxes said.
“Yeah maybe you should have.” she said.
A pollen pup managed to get its teeth around Koxes sword arm and bit down hard. Koxes dropped his sword and with his free hand he ripped the pup off of him and threw it to the ground, it exploded. Three more pups leap at him and Clip sliced one and let the other two bounce off her Bink. “Come on we have to get out of here. There’s too many of them.” she pulled Koxes up and after her.
“Konk return.” Koxes said. Konk flew through the air and plunked into his place on Koxes back. “Run to the river and jump in!”
“What why?” Clip said while steering there rampage to the river.
“Because pollen pups can't get wet!” Koxes yelled
A pollen pup nipped Clip’s leg and she stumbled pushing Koxes forward. “Run ahead I’ll catch up”
“No come on” Koxes said
“You cant fight! Your arm.” she sliced a couple more pollen pups. “Go!”
Koxes turned and ran. Clip jumped in the air and came down with all her body weight on her shield popping a pile of angry pups. She rolled to her feet then sliced a few more turning and runs for the water and dives in. A few dozen pollen pups slide to a stop on the river bank a few more tumbling in. The ones that fell in screeched and scrambled before disintegrating into pollen mush. A Dozens more darted out of the grass growling at Clip and Koxes as they swam to the other side of the river.

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