Rose Spider

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Setting; outside in front of the villager throne "

"Hello little sibling I see you met my little friend Koxes." Poko said.
"Your Clip's sibling?" koxes said to Poko, "I didn't know you had another sibling." Koxes said.
           "Clips my favorite siblings of all, don't tell the boys." Poko teased and winked.
"Poko what the crubledung is going on!" Clip said. 
"I honestly don't know. I wonder if they think I'm their king. Isn't that fun?" Poko gestured.
Clip rolled her eyes. "Are you going to untie us then or sacrifice us? Please just do one already" Clip said.
"I'll cut you free as soon as you can feel your legs. We might have to make a run for it." Poko said.
"What?" Clip said
"Did I mention I think the other king wants to marry me." Poko said. "I told him he wasn't my type but he couldn't understand a word I was saying, then they gave me food, I ate it, then I slept in the nice big comfy bed, and ate more food. I think I've been here for days. It's been amazing."
A big man in fancy garments and several headdresses came out of a hut. "Oh look there he is. Wobbly legs or not guys we must be going." Poko said
The King made a gesture implying it was time to kill the two prisoners. Poko sliced the ropes freeing Clip and Koxes. Unable to move they noodled to the ground.
"Hal return." Poko yelled and a large battle ax zoomed down from the air. Poko cought it and bashed a few charging villagers to the side. (none of the villagers are killed during this fight)The king roared in rage. "Can you two run yet we should probably get going" Poko said.
"No Poko we can't blugen move!" Koxes yelled.
"I can feel my feet." Clip said. "If you hold them off a bit longer I think I'll be able to stand and fight."
Clip stood up a little wobbly pulled out Mico and Bink. Her body zapped unesalily with their power. She stood over Koxes flinging anyone who came near away. She bashed someone's face with her shield and ninja kicked another person several feet away.
The king roared red face and angry. He pulled a heavy chain and a huge spider-rose came out of the tent. It snapped its teeth spraying sticky venum at them. Clip blocked it with her shield and it stuck like webbing. Clip had to release Bink so she wouldn't be pulled to the spiders mouth. The spider noghed on Bink fearously and spat him out.
"It's time to go!" Poko said. She swung her ax knocking over a few more people then ran to Clip. Poko throw Koxes over her shoulder. "Lets go Clip."
They darted in the forest the spider rose scuttering after them, the angry villagers were right behide it.
"Guys we're not exactly outrunning that thing." Koxes said
"I never thought we could." Poko said.
"Bink return!" Clip said and the shield knocked a few people over flying through the air to Clip. He was still covered in spider goo. "are spider roses supposed to be that big?"
"No I think they've been feeding it people for awhile and they don't stop growing so now they have a massive bluging spider." Poko said " This way" she grabbed Clips arm pulling her to the side and slid down a steep slope. Poko slides gracefully on her feet but Clip fell sliding on her butt and using Bink to keep random foliage from hitting her face. Poko yanked her up at the bottom of the slope. The spider was lumbering after them. "Hurry get up that daisy tree!" poko said.
Clip scrambled up the daisy tree and Poko hauled Koxes up behind her. As soon as they were a few feet up the spider, followed by the villagers, burst through the brush. The spider rose charged the daisy tree and Clip flung Mico at it knocking it away from Poko. Poko laid Koxes down on a leaf. The spider rose got up and charged the daisy tree again.
Clip looked down at Koxes, "you look terrible"
"Poko just drag me face down through the thickest undergrowth she could find." Koxes said eyes bulging.
Poko pulled her ax out, dove off the leaf, flipping in the air bringing her ax down hard on the spider. It screeched the blade tearing it in half spraying green blood everywhere.  She turned to the villagers who stopped in their tracks. Without the spider they were defenseless. Poko pulled Hal out of the spider corps and swung him around displaying her fighting skills. The intimidated villagers ran back to there village. The king stood glaring at Poko. She made a teasing display, gesturing to her body. The kings eyes harden and he went after his villagers.
"Now that thats over with." Poko began.
"Catch!" Clip yelled
"CLIP NO!" Koxes yelled.
Poko terned just in time to see Koxes smack face first in the ground.
"Poko you were supposed to catch him." Clip said, like it was Pokos falt.
"He'll be fine his body is numb." Poko said.
"Not.Numb.Anymore." Koxes said in a windless tone.
Clip jumped down beside him. "Great, you can walk again."
Koxes lift his head up and glared at Clip.
"Sorry I thought Poko would catch you" Clip said shrugging her shoulders.
Poko lift Koxes off the ground and stand him on his feet. "Look you're fine." Poko said.
Wincing, Koxes said, "Sure I'll be great as soon as I get away from you two."
"You will miss out on a bunch of fun Clip and I are great together. We have a monster loads of fun. Don't we little Clip?" Poko said putting her arm over Clips shoulder.
"Don't call me little." Clip said smiling and moving Pokos arm off of her.
Poko examined Mico and Bink "Are you still having trouble channeling their energy. They're all zapped out." she said concerned.
"I'm not like you. I wasn't exactly born for this." Clip said and snatched Mico off the ground.
"I didn't mean to.." Poko began.
"It's getting dark lets find a place to sleep." Clip said and stalked off. Poko watched her disappear.
"She can't channel their power." Koxes said. "I mean I knew she wasn't good at it yet but I didn't think she was unable."
Defensively Poko said, "She hasn't exactly had as much training as us. (takes a deep breath) she also has to learn to use them both simultaneously and there isn't anyone who can teach her that." She looks at Koxes softening her face, "It's pretty crazy that my two buds are teaming up. How did you two meet?"
"She ripped a job post out of my hand and said it was hers." Koxes said. Poko laughed. "I'm serious. She didn't even realize I was reading it until I pulled it off the board. And we're not teaming up. Our situation is surcumstatal. I don't know how anyone can deal with someone as stubborn and irresponsible as her."
Poko said giggling. "Yeah she's stubborn. Why don't you go on ahead and find her stubborn butt. I'm going to see what I can salvage off this thing (points to the spider rose) to sell tomorrow." Koxes nodded in agreement and went in the direction Clip went.
Hal transformed while she was still holding him. His hand staying in her hand as he became fully human. "She'll come around" he said rubbing his thumb over her hand in a comforting gesture. "She just had a ruff start. (pause) Having you in her life has helped."
"Thanks ." Poko siad

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