Season 1 ep 5

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"What's going on? Who is this guy?" Poko asked.
" It's the guy that taught me that song." Clip said. "But he didn't have an adventurers mask then."
"I am Juko." Juko said bowing.
"Why did you hide that you were an adventurer?" Koxes said.
"I did not want you to feel, threatened, by my presence." Juko said. "I thought you would feel safer if I was a, normal."
"Why would we feel threatened? That doesn't make sense." Clip said
"Nothing about you has made sense." Koxes said
"Is this guy your friend?" Poko said.
"No." Koxes said the same time Clip said, "I don't know."
Juko's mouth widden in a grin. "Young adventurers. Aww, I haven't been an adventurer in years. How, reminiscing." He said with exaggerated body language and hand gestures.
"What do you mean?" Clip said.
"I'm not sure you would understand. You're a little gullible and (pause) unintuitive if you know what I mean." Juko said and Clip's hands clenched into fists.
"That's uncalled for." Poko said, "She's just a little daydreamy."
"Poko!" Clip said, " You're pretty much agreeing with him."
"No I didn't. I just told him why you're such a bumblebrain. I was defending you." Poko said.
"Guys is this really the time." Koxes said.
"What do you want?" Clip said to Juko. "You're clearly not here to sing by the fire."
"No. I'm here to play this time. Do you want to play?" Juko held his hand out. "Tesh return."A sword with a long handle zoomed into Juko's hand.
Clip, Koxes, and Poko all pulled their weapons out.
"It's against adventures code to fight in a village hospitable to adventures." Koxes said.
"I am no adventurer." Juko said. He bolted for Clip. She barely got Bink up in time to block Juko's attack. Clip flew back skidding on her back. Juko jumped in the air and swung his sword down to deal a death blow. Koxes swung Konk into Juko's chest and Juko block easily, taking a few skip steps back.
Poko did a whole body tweirl to slice Juko right in the middle but Juko jumped easily into the air and landed on Hal's blade.
"Oooh to slow. Sorry" He said then jabbed Tesh into Pokos shoulder.
"Ahh!" Poko yelled and in her pain she released Hal. Juko landed on his feet then nonchalantly pulled Tesh out of Poko's shoulder.
"Ahh!" She yelled, backing up. "Hal." She gasped "Return."
Clip and Koxes ran at Juko. Clip slashed at him with Mico and Koxes slammed Konk into Tesh.
Juko batted there blows off easily. "He's toying with us." Koxes said.
Juko laughed. "These are the adventures they train on the disks now, pathetic. I thought I would at least have a little fun with you."
Poko sliced at him with Hal. She dodged Juko's sword, and jabbed Hal into Juko's arm. Juko doged but not in time Poko still managed to slice his arm open. "You're taunting children fresh from the disk. You must be a monstrously big man." Poko said.
Juko slammed the handle of tesh into the charging Koxes launching him across the courtyard and slamming the flat of the blade down on Clip in the same blow, pinning her to the ground and inching the blade below her chin.
Poko paused in her advance. "Don't." She said.
Juko inched the blade closer drawing blood from Clips throat. "Is the loving sibling going to stop me." He said. Poko said nothing looking desperate. Koxes coughed and struggled to his feet hunching over and holding his stomach.
"What makes you think I'm her sibling?" Clip said between gritted teeth.
"Oh I know young Clip. I know a lot about you. I know you've lived in a home where you're unwanted. I know you don't want to be an adventurer. I  know you have two living weapons and you're unable to channel their energy. And I know your sweet mother was murdered and no one did anything to find the culprit." (he lowered his voice so only Clip could hear) "I want you to join me Clip. You don't belong with them or anyone else. They've hurt you and they'll continue to do so. You're an outcast like me. You and I both know you have no real attachment to anyone anymore. Will you come with me?"
Clip spit in his face.
Juko calmly wiped the spit off of his face then slammed his foot down on clips arm snapping the bone. "AHHHHHH!!!" Clip shriked.
Koxes eyes harden and he struggled to regain composure. Poko yelled, "Stop! Please!"
Juko glanced at Poko and looked back down at Clip
"It will be hard to play your guitar with a broken arm. It will give you time to think." Joko said. "I'll be back for you." He stood up and slammed a ball down to the ground. Smoke billowed up rapidly everywhere. When it cleared he was gone.
Poko ran to Clip, "Clip are you okay?"
Clip, "I think he broke my arm." She groaned and tried to lift her arm up. Her forearm bent in the middle and flopped to the ground. Clips face (her face mask) whitten and her eyes rolled back in her head.
Poko, "She past out. Koxes help me set her arm."
Koxes managed to wallow across the courtyard was standing over them grim faced. He nodded then bend down to help Poko. Poko had Koxes place Konk under Clips elbow and the lower part of her forearm and hold her arm there. Then she jerked Clips arm in place.
Clip's eyes flew open and she shrieked before floundering out again.
When poko was done wrapping Clips arm Koxes said, "did you hear what he said to her before he vanished?"
Pokos shook her head. "No." She looks at Koxes. "How did he know so much about her? And why is he targeting her?" tears filled Pokos eyes. "Koxes I think this is serious and she can't even use her arm now."
"We'll figure something out." He said to comfort her.

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