season 1 episode 8

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"So the dragon is in there?" Clip whispered to Koxes.
"That's where Poko marked the map." Koxes whispered back. "Will you two stop gushing over each other." He said to Mico and Konk.
"You two tore us apart and we need to make up for lost time." Mico said and booped Konk on the nose.
"Lost time." Koxes said. "You were literally apart for like half a day."
"Half a day where I could have been doing this." Mico kissed Konk on the mouth. He blushed and kissed her back.
"Mico cut it out. Your being intense even for you." Clip siad and Bink laughed.
Mico rolled her eyes at them and flung Konk to the ground.
"Shhh, we dont want to wake the dragon." Clip siad.
"Lets go" Koxes said and Clip nodded. "Konk return." Koxes whispered.
"Mico Bink return." Clip whispered and followed Koxes.

"How do we get the scales from the dragon without dieing?" Clip said.
"I don't know. Lets just make sure we don't get it's attention." Koxes said.
"Stealth it is." Clip said and saluted Koxes with her hand over her eyebrows. Koxes rolled his eyes.
They walked quietly to the entrance of the cave and peaked inside. It was so dark in the back of the cave, no way to tell how deep it went.
"Where's the dragon?"Clip said.
"I don't know." Koxes said and walked inside the big opening.
Clip followed Koxes until it was too dark to see where he had gone. She reached out in front of her looking for him and eventually grabbed his arm. He jumped a little but stayed silent. He reached over and grabbed Clip's hand. Pulling her along.
Clips face burnt and her stomach tightened. She was glad it was too dark to see but she didn't know why. She let Koxes lead her down the tunnel until a soft light lite the way ahead. As soon as she could see she pulled her hand away from Koxes. The glowing light was emanating off the dragon itself. It laid in a pile of shiny rocks, jewels, and metallic things.
Koxes signed with his hands to Clip 'lets see if we can sneak up and pull some scales off.'
Clip signed back 'i'll go. I have quieter feet. Watch my back.'
'Be quiet' Koxes signed.
Clip gave him a look implying he was stupid. She took one silend step after another watching the creature for any sign of movement. Her foot crunched down on a small pile of jewels and the best snorted. Clip foze waiting for it to get up and eat her. It wiggled in the pile of loot scooching down for comfort and was still again. Clip and Koxes sighed in relief.
Clip was at the edge of the metallic bed pile and she slowly put her weight on it making a tiny crunching noise. The dragon took steady slow breathes in and out. Clip risked another step (soft crunch). Sweat beading on her face she finally reached the dragons body. Clip took a deep breath and tried not to think about what she was about to do. She laid her hand down on the dragon and paused. Nothing happened. She slowly wedged her fingers under a scale. Nothing happened. She pulled on the scale slowly and it didn't budge. She pulled a little harder and it didn't budge. She yanked and yanked on it but it stayed firmly in place. She braced her feet on the dragon and yanked as hard as she could. Frustrated she yanked repeatedly and rapidly and it still didn't budge. (meanwhile Koxes is frantically signing to Clip as the dragon comically raises its head and looks at Clip).

"CLIP YOU MONSTERBRAIN LOOK BEHIND YOU!!!!" Koxes yelled flabbergasted.
The dragon was staring down at her.
"AHHH! KOXES YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WATCH MY BACK!" She said and dogged its teeth as it snapped at her. She pulled out Mico and Bink.
Koxes charged in to help. "IT DOESN'T EXACTLY WORK THAT WAY WHEN YOU'RE TOO BUSY BEING A CRAZY IDIOT TO LOOK BACK." He shouted and the dragon charged the noisyer intruder. Koxes leaped avoiding its claw and sliced at it throat with konk. The blade sleet off the scale harmlessly. "How are we going to defeat this thing if we cant even cut it."

Clip dogged its paw and backflips over its tail. "We're not supposed to kill it." Clip shouted breathlessly.
"What do you mean we are not supposed to kill it?" Koxes said getting out of the way just before the dragon chomped his head off. "Then tell me how the guts were supposed to get the scale."
Clip ran and slammed the butt end of Mico into the dragon's stomach. "I don't know but we aren't the first ones to get scale from this thing and it's still bluging alive." She said, The dragon looked under its stomach at her, smirked and layed down. " Ahh--" Clip yelled.

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