season 2 episode 3

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Scene: The room Clip is being held prisoner. Clip is sleeping

“Mico, blanket. It's cold.” Clip said rolling over in bed. She opened her eyes and her face fell. Oh yeah they’re not with me. She thought and layed back down.

She winced getting out of bed. “Time for another day to have the gore beaten out of me. I wonder what monster Juko’s has for today?” She walked into the dining area. At least this place is a better prison then that cell. She thought. A half finished handmade guitar was on the small table next to her bed.
Fresh gear was folded on the table next to a large boiled egg. I wonder what Koxes is doing. Is he forgetting me more and more each week? I slowly forget my own mothers sometimes. She thought poking at her food. Is he alive to forget?  “No, don’t think like that.” she said.
“Don’t think like what?” Juko said.
Clip poked at her egg acting like she knew he was there all along. “Nothing.” She said.
“Indeed.” He said sitting across from her. He eyed her injuries. She had burns, bruises, and stitches. “Tesh did a good job sewing up your face. If the cut was any closer to your mouth you would have been quite the smiler.” Juko siad.
“Ha ha.” Clip said with no emotion. She sat the fork down and picked up the egg with both hands biting a big chunk from the top. Taste like a normal egg. She thought.
Juko stared at the abandoned fork and Clip swallowed the too large bit. “You could rest today. Try again when you're in better shape.” He said.
“No.” Clip said sharply.
Juko smiled. “Maybe you’ll actually defeat the monster. It’s like you’re not trying to get your weapons back.”
Clip’s eye’s harden, “I would do anything to get them back.”
“Yes but all you need to do is win dear.” Juko said standing. “Get dressed and lets be off.” He walked out the door.
“I’ll kill that goring monster. You gut hole.” Clip said taking several bites of the egg to finish it off.

Scene: mushroom forest.

Hal grabbed Poko’s arm pulling her close to him and blowing a raspberry on her cheek.
“There is no time for messing around.” Poko said pulling away.
“You have to live a little Poko. You're an organism with a life span. Live while you live.” Hal said reaching for her.
“I’ll live after I get Clip back.” Poko said.
“This grass looks so soft and there is no one here anyways. Let's lay down for awhile. You need to rest.” Hal said.
“That’s not grass. Its slim green fungus.” Poko said.
Hal plopped down and patted the fungus with his hand. “It's still buoyant.” he said. “We can watch from down here.” He reached his hand out to her.
Poko tried to conceal a smile and gave in grabbing Hal’s hand. He pulled her onto him and they kissed.
A cracking noise interrupted. “Hal return.” Poko whispered. Hal vanished from beneath her. Poko rose from the ground peering down in the valley below.
It’s just a lazy fungal frog. Poko thought. An arrow pierced the frog dropping it. Poko crouched down. Two dirty men came out of the brush.
“Look I’ve killed it. Were going to eat good tonight. Now we can spend them chips on a nice strong drink.” Said the tall man with the bow.
The other short man came and peared at the frog. “I don’t know. Ain't them poisonous.” he said.
“Nahh it's only them pretty colored one that are poisonous.” The tall man said.
“If master Juko would give us more chips then maybe we wouldn’t have to choose between drink and food.” The short man said.
“At least he pays. Lots of fungal fellas say they’ll pay then they float away like a spore in the wind.” Said the tall man.
“Yeah but aint no one else can get disk information. And he always asking for disk information whether it be fact or rumor.” Said the short man.
“Oh forget that. I think master Juko is a honest shroom. None of that funny trickery business like some shrooms fond of. Now let's cut this leg off for supper and see if we can get chips for the rest of it.” Said the tall man.
“Then we can stop by the pub for drink tonight.” Said the short man.
“But I’ll hold on to the chips. Once you get all drinked up you always spend them on silly things.” Said the tall man.
The short man smiled. “Alright you hold the chips.”
The two men walked back where they had come dragging the fungle frog behind them.

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