season 1 episode 10

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Poko and Hal sprang apart. Poko almost tumbled to the ground.

Clip found her voice. “Uhh- uhh-uh’m sorry I should have knocked! I didn’t know.” She said nervously. “I’ll be out here.” She shut the door.

Clip sat down next to the door. ‘Oh my gore what did I just see? Poko and Hal are-are-together? Together like that? But she’s a humans and He-he’s a weapons. Humans and weapons don’t love each other. Not like that. This is something you would see in a old fantasy story not real life. What was it they did to the adventure and weapon in the story? The-they burnt them alive. In a fire so hot their bones disintegrated and the powerful metals evaporated into the sky.’ Clip imagined Poko burning and screaming in a fire. ‘If people found out would they burn Poko and Hal?
Poko stood still looking at the door. Thump thump thump, her heart pounded.
“Go talk to your sibling.” Hal said.
“But what will she think? Will she hate me more?” Poko siad.
“She doesn’t hate you Poko.” Hal said wrapping his arms around her. “You have to talk to her. She might be more understanding than you think.”
Poko pulled away from him and laughed nervously. “Clip understanding; she does anything she can to not listen or understand.”
Hal smiled that rare bright smile that Poko loved so much. “Do you really think she’s not trying.” He kissed her forehead.  “Go get her.”

Poko opened the door and Clip jumped. “Clip.” Poko said. “Do you want to come in?”
Clip looked up at Poko. ‘She looks afraid’ Clip thought. 
Clip stood up and walked into Poko’s room.

Hal was sitting on bed looking serious. Clip sat down in the chair across from him. Poko sat next to Hal.
“Let me explain.” Poko said. Her mouth opened a couple of times, she looked at Hal who showed no signs of help. She finally said. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Is this why you never came back home?” Clip gesture to them. “This.”
“Yes.” Poko whispered.
“Does anybody else know?” Clip asked.
“No.” Poko said her face turning red. “This is the first time we’ve ever been caught together. I think dad might have had suspicions but I didn’t go back home to find out.”
“What will happen to you if anyone finds out?” Clip said. Hal perked up at this looking  ashamed.
“I don’t know. The kings and lords of the disks would separate us, I’m sure, maybe worse. You’ve read the old stories they are based off of old laws. Laws that still exist but haven’t been enforced in centuries. The punishment might be darker than I’d like to think about.” Poko said.
“Do you do this with all your wielders?” Clip asked Hal. “Do you know what will happen if they catch you?”
“Clip!” Poko said.Clip looked from Hal to Poko. “You know living weapons don’t talk about the people who wielded them before. Let alone their past.”
“He can do-” Clip turned red saying it, “-be with you like that but can’t tell you what he know from the past?”
“Yes.” Poko siad. “Just because we are together doesn’t mean he can bend living weapon rules.”
“Isn’t that what he's doing with you?” Clip said.
Poko stamered, “umm yes but this is more of a human rule.”
“Then why don’t you stop!” Clip said a little louder than she meant.
Poko grabbed Hal’s hand. “Clip you can’t stop when it comes to love. Not like this.”
Hal returned hir gaze and Clip could see the adoration in his eyes. “You really are In love.”Clip said. She thought about being romantically in love with Mico or Bink and cringed internally.
“Yes.”Poko said.
“This is really strange. Like really gutting wrong strange.” Clip said and Poko looked hurt. “But I have two weapons and that's wrong strange. Dad had me and that's wrong strang. Maybe it runs in the family.” Clip siad.  
Poko grabbed Clip and pulled her to her in a hug.  “I wasn’t sure how you would react.”
“Just don’t get caught okay.” Clip siad.
“I won’t.” Poko said.
Clip stood up.  “Come on monster barin. Let's go eat.”
“Oh good. Im starving.” poko said.

“How interesting.” Juko siad. “Come Tesh.” Juko walked to the window behind them and pulled the flaps open stepping out of the building.
Tesh stood still not following. His usual blank face covered in shock and confusion. Tesh transformed and flew out the window responding to a return call from Juko.

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