Eleven - All Drinks Are Free

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Before we start, this is a warning that this is not only a massive filler chapter but it also contains smut (which again, I could probably improve). I'm going to mark the smut with ** and page breaks in case you don't want to read it (because it's somewhat in the middle). Please only read that if you're over 18, you're responsible for your own media consumption.

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"Do you think we should invite Luna?" Clio watches her boyfriend in the mirror of the bathroom as she blends the dark eyeshadow along her lower lashline with the tip of her ring finger.

Cato is confused as he looks up from the puzzle book he borrowed from Brutus to occupy himself while Clio gets ready for the victors event taking place in one of the high end Capitol clubs. "Usually I have to ask that. Are you feeling okay? Should we be going out if you're ill enough to make statements like that?"

"I just thought it would be nice." Clio replies as she moves on to meticulously applying each individual magnetic lash, concentrating in short bursts before lapsing to continue their conversation. "She can definitely do with a drink to let off some steam from whatever happened between her and Finnick, and there's no way she'll be going otherwise."

Watching her boyfriend shrug as he stands from their bed and moves towards the wardrobe, Clio huffs to blow a strand of fountain curled hair from in front of her eyes as she finally gets both of her earrings in. The harsh glow of the bright vanity lights illuminates the bathroom, reflecting off the golden chain detailing on the straps of the dress that the stylists had left hanging for her to wear this evening. She sits herself on the edge of the bed to finally strap her shoes on, quietly mumbling to herself as she fastens the buckles of the golden fantasy heels before walking back out into the hallway to pour herself another glass.

"Finally," Enobaria sighs, pushing herself up from the couch and passing her half empty glass into Clio's hand. "Took you long enough. I have to go to these things too, you know."

"And you couldn't just get ready? Why wait for me?" Clio asks as she takes a long swig of the red wine in her mentor's glass.

"I did," the darker skinned woman laments, gesturing to the pile of makeup products surrounding her on the couch before she rushes into her own bedroom to change, passing Cato in the hallway.

"I love our stylists..." Cato says as he wraps his arms around Clio's waist, causing her to almost drop the wine glass in surprise. "But I think we should just stay in instead..."

Clio laughs as she turns in his hold, placing her hands on his chest to lightly push him off. "We are going out. I look too good to stay in."

"I think you'd look better in–"

"It's not going to work. Now come on, we need to go get Luna." Clio smiles, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the lift, but not before stopping to refill her glass of wine entirely.

They see Brutus and Enobaria enter the common area as they enter the glass chamber; both mentors raise an eyebrow at them in bewilderment once they realise they haven't waited for them, but both also none the wiser that they have gone to collect Luna. As soon as the doors slide open on the fourth floor, they step out directly into the District Four suite and make their way over to the dining area.

"Hello motherfuckers..." The words die on Clio's tongue as five heads snap towards her; voice piercing through the silence around the dining table where Luna and Finnick are still - clearly - not speaking to one another. Their two tributes are sat directly beside their mentors, looking awkwardly between each other and the couple who are now standing at the foot of the table, whilst Ophelia, the District Four escort sits at the head of the table, attempting, and failing, to keep the peace between her mentors as she shakes her head and focuses her attention on the dessert platter in front of her.

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