Twenty-Six - Together

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July 20th

The next morning, Cato is still fighting off sleep as Clio drags him downstairs into the mentor room at eight in the morning, ready to switch with Brutus and Enobaria so that the older pair can get some rest before they join them back upstairs for dinner. They all know that they're not exactly supposed to be allowing their fresh victors to be in complete control of their sponsors and resources but with how well the Capitol citizens are taking the love story from Twelve, splitting the couple up would more than likely hinder their ability to gain their sponsors in the first place.

"Good morning, you two." Brutus says, shaking his head slightly at Cato's demeanour.

"Morning, Brutus." Clio chirps, already in a good mood. She quickly runs into the kitchenette to grab herself a drink before she sits down beside him on the couch and waits for the Avoxes to enter with the morning's breakfast. As if her thoughts acted as a cue, they push open the doors to the room and place various platters on the large table ahead of the faux leather couches as well as stacks of decorative plates made of fine china. Sliding three cinnamon rolls onto one of the plates, Clio relaxes back on the couch. "Has anything happened overnight?"

"Absolutely nothing." Enobaria answers, chewing carefully on her own breakfast pastry. "They took turns sleeping in three hour increments after the anthem finished at just gone ten, so I think they're both well rested now."

"Or they will be once Clove wakes up again." Brutus laughs, informing them that Ajax seems to be letting the young girl sleep for as long as possible, determined to let her get her second round of sleep before they no doubt go searching for any of the other tributes.

"Do they need anything?" Cato asks.

Enobaria thinks for a moment before she explains her thoughts. "We've already organised a food parcel to arrive for them at ten o'clock so that Clove can get all of her rest. I think they're getting cold overnight though. After Twelve blew up their supplies, they're seriously lacking in the thick blankets and sleeping bags that they usually have."

"We can sort that out." Clio shrugs through a mouthful of cinnamon roll, ignoring the glare Brutus throws her way at her manners before she jokingly huffs and throws her middle finger up at him. "Have you got the list of sponsors that we've yet to use?"

"Of course." Enobaria removes the list from her jacket pocket and slots it into Clio's jacket at her request. Now that she and Brutus have finished their meal, it's time for them to head up to the suite for some sleep of their own, having felt jealous watching their tributes sleep all night. They'd only agreed to take the night shift last night because Clio refused to watch her own interview back, and with her parents' faces being blasted to the nation again, they knew that her anger wouldn't be any help to the tributes. So, they'd instructed her to sleep the irritation away and that they would return back to six hourly watch schedules from after dinner. All the career victors know that as long as your tributes are alive, you get very sleep in the Capitol; you can catch up once the Games are over. "If you need anything just ring us, we'll have the phone on loud, okay?"

"Okay, okay. We'll be fine. After all the excitement yesterday, I don't think that anything interesting is going to happen anyway."

"Needing anything applies to help with the sponsors too." Brutus reminds Clio. She knows what he's insinuating but waves away his concerns.

"Just go to bed." Cato laughs. "I can see your eyes shutting from here. We'll be alright, besides I'm sure that Cashmere and Gloss will come down at some point, and they're never against helping me out with this stuff."

Brutus just smiles sleepily and follows Enobaria out of the viewing room, leaving the couple alone on the couch, eating their breakfast. With a glance around the room, Clio notices that they're mostly alone. At this time, the only person watching the screen is the woman from Five. Haymitch and Chaff have nodded off in their armchairs in the corner of the room, just like their tributes are. All three of them are shown on the smaller screens, sleeping; one high in a tree and one disguised in the tall reeds and the other hidden underneath some low-set bushes.

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