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the parasites began to notice that the klaxosaurs have been attacking less and less, especially itsukimaru noticed it especially as there was a significant cutback after the battleship ayanami, had fired it's wave-motion-gun, at an oncoming hoard, destroying them outright, as he thought the blast would, he then knew the automated systems he implemented worked and that, his new home would be protected and safe

knowing all of this he began to distance himself, from his squad, his fireteam, and even from his partner, and was spending increasingly more time with hyacinth as Dr. franxx named it, or the unit's true name azrael

ichigo, and ikuno both were getting rather concerned for him, ikuno was especially confused with how analytical she was, her partner and boyfriend should be less stressed considering the situation but not more so, and all she had for clues, is his muttering about running out of time, and him having a whispered yet heated argument with commander hachi, who seemed to be very concerned, she decided to confront him outright about it so she went to the hanger

"itsu" she called

"in the entry-plug" i said as she walked to the back of the unit where the ejected entry-plug was she climbed up the ladder until she stood atop the plug

"what's going on" ikuno asked

"don't worry about it, it's nothing you or the squad, or any other parasite for that matter needs to worry their head over" i said

"then why is commander hachi concerned" ikuno asked

"because, it isn't a concern to any of you, it is a concern to me" i said

"does it have to do with those strange visions i saw in your memories, about those monsters you fought" she asked, i nodded

"why don't you tell us, we could help you" ikuno said

"the squad would be a detriment, only really useful as decoys and distractions not even the strelizia could pick a fight with them, they have an AT-field" i said, her eyes widened in understanding

"why don't you let ME help you, i'm your partner and your girlfriend" she said, he paused finally stopping his work, he slowly put down his datapad

"when we sync, we can only see a piece of each others memories, going through all of them would take hours if not days, we have years of experience after all" i said, ikuno was confused what did that have to do with anything

"how old do you think i am" i asked

"what" ikuno asked utterly bewildered

"an honest question, you give me an honest answer i will truthfully answer your question" i said

"17, like the rest of us" ikuno said, and he laughed, but it was humorless, it wasn't the joyful and melodic sound she loved hearing, it was dark and depressing

"well, you technically aren't wrong this body is indeed seventeen" i said, i gave a sigh, and pulled myself up to the ledge of the entry plug, and gestured for her to sit

"my mind and soul are six hundred and thirty-four years old" i said seriously, her eyes widened

"your older then-" she started

"Dr. franxx yes, not that he or anyone else knows it, i am trusting you to keep what i tell you to yourself, i have told no-one else, so there is only one other with this information" i said, she nodded

"how does someone else know if you never told anyone" ikuno asked

"because she is just as old as i am, and went through the exact same experiences, originally i came here for her, but i shall explain in full, if you will let me" i said, she nodded

"well then i guess we should start with the beginning" i said taking a glance at the back of unit-01's head

"what does the hyacinth have to do with this" she asked

"everything, and it's name is azrael, i want you to know" i said

"as in the angel of death" sh easked

"the very same, i named it that because that was what this unit was to do, kill, or more specifically kill angels and then kill mankind" i said, she covered her mouth in shock, she piloted this thing

"yes, i know, but it gets worse, as i said the story begins with this thing, for me i have seen it three times now, in the first two times things began the same way, i was a four year old boy, both my parents were scientists working on this particular unit, we didn't yet know of the angels, but we did have a plan in place for humanity, the human instrumentality project" i said

"human instrumentality" she uttered

"the forced evolution of mankind, through a controlled impact event orchestrated by unit-01, essentially a bunch of old men, similarly to APE, wanted to become gods, the human instrumentality project's goal was to unit all souls within lilith's egg, to become one being, they succeeded in the first timeline, they mostly succeeded in the second timeline, they sort of succeeded in the second timeline, all because i failed, but i am getting ahead of myself" i said then paused to allow her to swallow the information i just gave her

"this story is long, so prepare yourself for what comes next" i said, she nodded

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