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the hyperion launched with no issues as it was an well maintained vessel, that's had years of service under it's belt the vessel immediately set course to collect the parasites, and brought them to the starforge, itsukimaru had sent rei to inform their fafner friends of the new home they could populate should they wish

they immediately accepted, and ALVIS gave itsukimaru access to tatsumiyajima in turn for shinji remained on, for all of two minutes, as he collected the fafners and immediately left, he intended to further upgrade his units, and the fafners would help that cause

once i had collected everything of use i destroyed the world with the festum on it using the gungnir, i didn't like destroying entire planets but in this case i felt it necessary

"no where do we go from here" ikuno asked, i looked around the bridge at my squad that looked at me expectantly even ikuno, eventually i came to a decision

"rei, prepare the brynhildr" i said

"master" rei asked confused

"i think it's time i stopped denying myself, and causing you needless anguish as a result" i said, her eyes widened and smiled

"yes master" she said

"the brynhildr" latia asked

"it's time that the messiah makes his return" i said, her eyes widened

"your the......" she stopped

"messiah, yes" i said

"that would make rei....." latia trailed off again

"nurial, my faithful right hand, latia use the ships comms see if you can't contact lucifer please" i said, she nodded and moved to the ships comms a moment later sirzechs appeared on screen at first he appeared surprised then realized

"so you are alive" he said

"yes i am, i temporarily released rias from our bond, as there were a few things i needed to do i didn't want my servants dragged into, sirzechs i needed you to prepare a shuttle there is something you should see" i said

"understood, lord marchosias" sirzechs said

"bring yasaka, this affects everyone" i said, he nodded

two hours later sirzechs had boarded the hyperion

"welcome aboard, sirzechs, i believe this is the first time you stepped aboard my faithful vessel" i said

"i believe it is" he said

"welcome aboard to you as well, lady yasaka" i said

"thank you lord marchosias, lord lucifer said it would be urgent that we met" yasaka said

"it is, come" i said as i led them into the turbolift

"deck fourteen" i said, as the turbolift began to move

"not the main bridge" sirzechs said

"what i have to show you is on this ship" i said, as the turbolift soon open and led them to hanger bay one, where the both immediately caught sight of them

"the seven......" sirzechs trailed off

"valkyries" yasaka breathed out finishing sirzechs' sentence

"my seven valkyries" i said, both sirzechs and yasaka's heads immediately snapped to me

"yours" yasaka asked

"i am the messiah as people have referred to me, i am azrael" i said

"why reveal this now" sirzechs asked

"what i reveal to you cannot, will not leave this room, only my trusted squad, rei, and latia know" i said, they nodded

"what i told you over comms was a lie, i did not release my servants from service, i sent myself back in time, it was supposed to reset all timelines, what i have come to learn is it had reset all human timelines, but that is basically it, avalon still exists and the changes made to create avalon also still exist" i said

"why" yasaka asked

"i was unhappy, not that it is any fault of anyone around me, there was just something my girls couldn't give me with one exception, but she needed a special push" i said

"rei, so that was what the reset was for, you could give her that push" sirzechs said, i nodded

"i even had two separate back-up plans in place in case she didn't choose me, but during my time during the reset, i had found what i needed, and she has been everything i could need and want" i said

"so why are you back" yasaka asked

"my servants knew me well, especially rei....... especially rei, she built the society of avalon, because she knew what i would want" i said

"you intend to take the throne" sirzechs said as he began to understand, i nodded

"i wanted you two to see what i was doing, and ask if the people would follow me" i asked

"you want to know if they will follow shinosuke itsukimaru, and not the messiah azrael, their king not their god" he said, i nodded

"what happens if we say no" yasaka asked

"you never see me and my people again, there is another empire that i can very easily take over, they would join this empire i am building here should the people except me, but with work they can become my new capital as well" i said, they both stared at him for a moment, but sirzechs moved forced as he fell into a kneel

"the devils will follow you, your grace" sirzechs said, as yasaka also fell into a kneel

"the yokai will likewise, your grace" yasaka said, i smiled nodding

"good rise, when will be the best time i can reveal myself" i asked

"give me two weeks to make preparations" sirzechs said

"i will be ready when he is" yasaka said

"good then i will get you back to your shuttle" i said

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