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"general, welcome to avalon" i said, the man said nothing he simply walked up to my throne, and fell to a kneel

"i was grateful and excited to have been summoned by lady rei, that you are again in need of our services your grace, i can have remnant's people at your command in a matter of months if you just give the word" he said, i knew what he meant, he spoke of toppling the council, but what caught my eye was something else

"general, we will take this discussion in my ready room aboard the hyperion, first i must see what this is about" i said, as i looked at the girls who came with rei, all but one were former servants

"glynda goodwitch might i ask why you are here" i asked

"i made a mistake the first time around, a mistake i hope to correct your grace" she said

"are you all here, in hopes of returning to my service, or in miss goodwitch's case entering my service" i asked, they nodded, my eyes then fell on a woman in a red dress

"and who are you" i asked

"i am cinder fall your grace, i had heard of your power, and had hoped to enter your service as well" she said, this man was the only one salem feared, and so cinder changed sides

"miss fall, i expect much of my servants more then i have before, but most of all i expect complete obedience and loyalty" i said

"i understand mistress, i brought a subordinate of mine, emerald i hope you will allow us to prove ourselves worthy" she said

"hmm, we shall speak, join the good general i will speak to you momentarily, miss goodwitch i ask you to do the same" i said, she bowed and did so this left my former servants

"first, i say to all of you welcome home, but i am a changed man, i am not as kind as i once was, if you rejoin my service, you are mine and i will use you as i deem fit, i no longer care weather or not you agree to my orders, nor will i explain myself, i expect you to simply follow your orders, yang i refer to you especially in regards to your sister" i said, yang froze, she knew what he spoke of, but she also knew her master

"if ruby wishes to rejoin, then that is her choice to make, i have done my job as her big sis" yang said finally, she knew she had no choice at this point but to let go, i rose to my feet and walked down to them placing my hand on yang's head

"you have grown yang" i said smiling before looking around

"what say the rest of you, do you wish to rejoin my service knowing that it won't be all sunshine and rainbows, there may come a time where i tell you to do distasteful things, are you willing to follow through, are you willing to give me your complete loyalty, this is your last chance to back out, once you join my service, it will truly be as i warned you the last time, it will be for life, i will not let you go" i said

"master, i think i speak for everyone here, we made our oaths and will follow them, we accept our duties and station in all they entail" ruby said

"you've grown too my rose" i said, i stepped back and looked at the group, before turning to cinder and glynda

"and what's say you, knowing what i have told them, being in my service could also be very humiliating, as these girls can attest" i said

"we have been warned, we haven't been given the specifics as apparently it is part of our initiation, but we have been warned that after recruitment you will 'break us in', whatever that may mean" glynda said

"whatever that may mean indeed, i will inform you that has taken on a whole new meaning, do you two know who and what i am" i asked, the two nodded

"the general has been kind enough to debrief us on that front" cinder said

"good then i should inform part of the process of being broken in, is sexual, i will be taking you to my bed" i said, this was something new to the returnees but something the newcomers expected, ironwood kept his face stone cold impassive, this was not his business

"general, you can head for the hyperion i will see you shortly" i said

"thank you, your grace" he said as he bowed his head and left

"now then, you two seem to not be surprised but i know for a fact that my returnees are in fact surprised, latia and ikuno, and of course rei as well agree that it should be one of your duties that you carry my children as part of your duties to me, i think i know the answer to this question but i'll ask anyway, does that change your decision" i asked, the girls all looked at each other, before nodding and ruby yet again being the spokesperson began to speak

"while it is surprising to us my lord, we originally joined with knowledge that we might carry your children, this changes little" ruby said

"very well, i am not ready to recruit you yet i am making modifications to my peerage, as well as the peerage for latia and rias, so, you lot are dismissed, rei if you would make sure they have some quarters prepared" i said, rei nodded

"once your done, go out and bring back all of my other servants, but warn them of what i had just warned remnant's occupants of first" i said, rei bowed her understanding and went to do as she was told

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