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"so anyway asuka despised me, or i thought so, now i know she eventually started to secretly like me but she would never had admitted to it even if we did survive, and i'll get to why i think that momentarily, so we continued fighting angels and doing our best to live our lives, defeating angel after angel as went, things however went to hell after the last angel........... tabris, was killed" i said

"you seem almost sentimental" ikuno said

"all of the angels had their own unique schtick, tabris decided his would be a human form, so he could see why humans did what they did, i admit i became friends with him, so it hurt me a lot when i killed him, i admit now that in hindsight was a very stupid idea, killing him, keeping an angel around outside SEELEs control would have put their plans indefinitely on hold, while they attempted to find a means of getting rid of him, anyway after tabris was dealt with, almost immediately after, NERV was attacked, by japanese soldiers, and SEELE's nine unmanned mass-produced evangelions" i said, ikuno's eyes widened as she realized they were outnumbered

"nine to two in their favor" i said

"two" ikuno asked

"rei's unit-01 had self-destructed taking out a previous, angel though it really came down to nine to one, as i wasn't able to make it to my EVA in time, for reasons that are mostly my fault, with nine to one odds asuka stood no chance and the enemy toyed with her, giving her hope of victory before squashing it, and i was able to get into unit-01, at the exact time i was needed to for instrumentality to begin, making me the catalyst of it, there were only two survivors, but not for long" i said

"two survivors" ikuno said quietly

"me and asuka, we were both left on the beach of our destroyed world, i was utterly broken, and in a desperate hope i went to asuka for comfort, comfort i thought i was receiving as she gently cupped her hand on my cheek as i was bawling my eyes out, her words broke what little hope was left in me" i said

"what did she say" ikuno asked

"how disgusting" i said her eyes widened

"i was temporarily driven to madness, and had choked her to death, which allowed her soul to join all the rest in lilith's egg, leaving me alone, i was fortunate or perhaps unfortunate, i was able with time and a lot of work reconnect EVA unit-02 to an umbilical cable so i could get it to reactivate which got the attention to the only other functioning EVA left, my unit-01, which of course went to see who had survived and how, when it found me, my mother immediately scooped me into the entry plug, and i used to take the opportunity and attempted to reset to fix my mistakes, i didn't account for losing my memories of the entire event" i said

"oh no" ikuno said

"it get's both better and worse, this was a new timeline, so everyone was slightly different, asuka even went by a different name asuka shikinami-langley, instead of soryu, i learned later on that all the EVA pilots except for me and tabris which somehow was an EVA pilot now were all clones, rei obviously, but asuka was as well, a one of kind one at that, as was a new girl, mari makinami, i liked mari she was good person, anyway, misato was still misato mostly, but asuka was a lot nicer in this universe, but there was a problem, i was even more broken in this timeline" i said

"shit" ikuno said, i nodded

"i would latch onto this universes rei ayanami, to the point, i would be the cause of an impact event starting" i said

"how" she asked

"we were attempting to defeat the tenth angel, it was strong exceedingly strong, it had eaten unit-00, and absorbed rei in the process, i fought desperately to get her back, i obviously didn't succeed but my desperation had awakened unit-01 starting an impact event, it was stopped surprisingly by tabris in the EVA Mk.6, and it is to him that this story goes anywhere, i wasn't well liked after nearly destroying the world it didn't matter that i was a broken fifteen year old teenager, that really didn't want to be here, i had the responsibility of the world on me, so i was punished, eventually my father had yet again collected me to pilot his new EVA the unit-13, this EVA was built specifically to start an impact event, i of course didn't know that little fact, and so simply did as i was told, this EVA however required two pilots to function effectively

"that's why it was so easy for you to adapt to me" ikuno said, he nodded

"one reason yes, it is not the last time i fight with a co-pilot, but we will get to that, we technically did start an impact event and awakened unit-13, but this is where the story truly begins now that all the exposition is out of the way" i said

"huh" ikuno asked

"tabris is an angel, and using all of his power, having killed himself to do it, he sent unit-13 and me through the gate-of-guf, back to the first dimension, where i re-met that timelines rei ayanami, it is specifically because of her i am here now" i said

"why" she asked

"i guess i need to continue my story to explain" i said, she nodded

"when we met, unit-13 had gone through it's hole process but, the world we were in was already destroyed so it didn't really do anything impactful, ironically, i then spoke with rei, who told me her purpose was complete and she should no longer exist, and i gave her the first piece of wisdom i'd give, i told her to find her own purpose, her purpose was to latch onto me, she stated that she was a weapon, and that she would be my weapon from that moment forward, that right there is why i am here" i said

"what do you mean" she asked

"i longed for companionship, with anyone for that matter who wanted me, i got close with latia astaroth but she was only with me because she was expected to find a suitor and i was the best in her limited list of choices, latia is beautiful and good woman, but i didn't want that, i wanted someone who wanted me, because they just wanted me" i said

"like i do" ikuno said, i nodded

"exactly, i spent the next six hundred odd years, attempting to make rei that companion, but she was content in remaining a subordinate, a servant, even convincing me that i would find what i needed if just recruited more servants, news flash, i did not, all of them were happy to call me master, but none wanted to call me husband or even friend, so i came up with a plan, i'd fix all my mistakes avert the impact events snuff out all forms of continuing the human instrumentality project, then i would make rei her own person, even if she doesn't choose me, i will make her, at least be able to live for herself, and i can hopefully find myself someone after i am done, that was the original goal" i said

"what changed" she asked, i sighed

"well i guess i have to continue my story to tell you that, for there is more" i said

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