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after everyone with the exception of rei transferred to the much more comfortable dauntless, rei took the guardian to starforge GEHIRN, to collect a bunch of the omega units, he'd need to rechristen then at this point, but he'd do that later she also brought back the entire valkyrie series, which allowed me to actually pilot with ikuno again something that excited me, and a couple of uchigatana units as a couple extra aces just in case, i gave the sigrún to asuka, the reginleif to mari, and then assigned the remaining valkyries to the squad, rei of course retook the ortlinde for her use, i assigned the alvitr to zorome and miku, i assigned the hrist to sakuya and hiro, and i assigned the to ichigo and goro

ikuno was very pleased to be riding with her partner again as was i, this also meant the entire squad was back in action, as kokoro took to the medbay, and had backed away from piloting as a whole which was fine, as did futoshi, meaning mitsuru and naomi were partnered together, and were given an uchigatana unit

we didn't have the people to crew the hyperion or the longinus, so that had to wait for now, as now the squad was able to join in on the elimination of the angel, causing mass panic to spread as new, not EVAs starting killing angels, or at least it was thought they weren't EVAs based on their appearance anyway, since my units were next gen EVAs after all, the fact there was fifty of them in action all sent to eliminate a single angel that terrified every nation on earth but more importantly to itsukimaru, it also terrified SEELE as that was more then what the nine unmanned EVAs they had put together a lot more, and these units were easily dispatching the angels, this was highly dangerous for their scenario, but the problem was as they soon found, the base of NERV was abandoned, and SEELE did not know where these people operated which created yet more panic

"should we really be allowing the entire world to panic about us" misato asked uncertainly

"say we revealed ourselves katsuragi what happens" i asked, she paused as she thought about the question posed, and then blanched

"let's stay hidden" she said

"exactly, there are only two angels left, and rei has found the nine unmanned units, she's putting a force together to eliminate them, we don't need more EVAs when we can literally create our own, obviously" i said

as promised rei launched with her three squadrons two days later. and attacked a SEELE base where the unmanned EVAs were being produced, i sent another two squads led by ichigo to terminal dogma to guard lilith as i knew tabris would soon be arriving, i explained to ichigo and her team already that despite his appearance he was an enemy and needed to be eliminated

once ichigo reported in that he was rei was recovered, and ordered rei to take command of her battleship namesake, and wave-motion-gun lilith to take care of that problem, she first placed the adam remnant in terminal dogma within wave-motion-guns firing arc, and she blasted both to oblivion

"right, let's get out of here, i've stayed in this damned world long enough, rei if wanna put together a force to deal with problem number two that would be fantastic" i said, she nodded

"i'll gather the pilots now" she said

"take sakuya with you, better to be safe then sorry, i don't intend to go myself this time" i said. rei nodded

"understood, master" she said

"right, i've dealt with your angel problem, take your people and get off my ship" i said, those last words he spoke struck something in her as she finally regained her own memories from the last timeline, she took a moment to comprehend what he said, as she dealt with these new memories

"i'll get my people off immediately" she said, as she left the dauntless' bridge, she soon returned

"all have been disembarked master" she said

"so your returning to my service as well" i asked

"i have a lot to make up for, a few days will not cut it, i swore my life to you, i standby that oath, and will remake it" she said, i nodded

"very well, rei if you would take helm, take us to the forge we have much to do, and i am taking back my ship" i said

"yes master" rei said, as she walked over relieving mitsuru of his post 

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