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rei brought the entire NERV staff with her much to shinji's aggravation

"i will have our EVAs transferred here as well" rei said

"fine, do as you wish" i said, she bowed

"master" asuka said curtly, my eyebrow raised at that

"i standby what my counterpart said, i am yours, if the memories i received from the last timelines are true, then i have a lot to make up for" she said, i nodded

"then welcome back to my service" i said

"my people are ready to take over" misato said

"who said you'd be taking over my ship" i asked

"i did not say any such thing master, this is katsuragi believing her people are better for the job" rei said condescendingly

"i resent that, my people are better" ritsuko said

"with the exception of the bridge crew, which are my personal squad, everyone that i brought with me helped build this ship, so how is your people better then those experienced to operate her" i asked, ritsuko's eyes widened at that

"these kids helped build this ship" she said

"let's just say the adults failed us, and leave it at that, itsukimaru is our leader on this mission we will follow him" ichigo said, leaving no room for argument

"fine, my people are standing by to lend a hand" misato said, seeing she clearly wasn't getting anywhere and did not want to have her people pull weapons against children

"now that is something we can agree to, this is my XO ichigo, you can coordinate with her, however during angel operations your advice has not been asked for, stay out of our way, we know what we are doing, i fought these bastards before i'll do it again" i said

"itsuki, a ship is coming, sensors indicate it to be the S.S.-1372: DAUNTLESS" ikuno said, both me and rei looked at each other that shouldn't be possible, i rose from my command chair as i moved towards ikuno's station, and ran the scan over three times

"how is that possible" i asked

"we're being hailed by the dauntless" ikuno said

"patch it through" i said

"if you did not wish to marry me you should have simply said no instead of ditching me" an irate latia astaroth said, i blinked

"latia" i said surprised

"who else did you expect who had control of your ship" latia asked annoyed

"latia the dauntless should no longer exist" i said

"what are you talking about" she asked, i sighed

"i'll be over shortly" i said, she nodded

"this shouldn't be possible if you initiated a reset, the dauntless couldn't exist anymore" rei said

"i have a feeling it has something to do with those dragon gods, let's go rei, ichigo i want you to start monitoring everything, i need to see if the dauntless is how it should be" i said, as i left the bridge, taking a shuttle we transferred to the dauntless, where latia stood waiting tapping her foot in frustration, when i disembarked she stared at me

"we can talk in a moment, latia, and i will explain, right now i need to ask a serious question, what changed in the underworld" i asked

"many devils lost their pieces for no discernable reason, they just disappeared right as you did" latia said

"what else" i asked

"the human population dwindled exponentially as they likewise disappeared" she said, i gestured for her to continue which seemed to piss her off more

"latia astaroth this could do irreparable harm to the entire devil race, if i do not have all the pieces" i said, her eyes widened

"that's it, a majority of devils lost pieces including rias, and a huge chunk of humanity vanished there were no discernable changes" latia said

"what about military status" i asked

"most of our infrastructure and technology is still there we simply don't have the people anymore to man it" she said, i looked at rei again, as she was trying to piece this impossibility together

"do you think it has something to do with the gate" i asked

"no, because by that point we were solely using the mycelial network to traverse through multiverses, and you used ultramen aid, to initiate the reset" rei said

"what reset" latia asked

"latia i reset time the goal was to go back to my beginning and restart fresh" i said

"why weren't you happy" she asked

"no, he wasn't and that is a oversight, i and the rest of my masters servants missed, my master wasn't happy he just learned to hide it exceedingly well" rei said

"why though, i don't understand" she said

"i wanted someone, who wanted me, you only came to me because your parents were pressuring to marry a pureblood, and i was your best choice, since there are so few male devils at our age, it was either me, sairaorg, or riser, you didn't want riser for obvious reason, and you didn't really want sairaorg so i was your only real option, i am well aware why you chose me latia, i don't hold it against you but" i trailed off

"because of that, i wouldn't be what you needed" she said, i nodded

"my first goal, was rei, i wanted to make her, her own person to stop relying so heavily on me for a reason to live, i failed as you can tell, but i succeeded in finding that special someone" i said

"does this mean, our betrothal is now over then" she asked

"i will speak with ikuno, but i do not believe so, she is one that swings both ways if you catch my meaning, and would likely open our bed to other girls" i said, she gave a sigh

"my apologies then, but maybe explain before making decisions like that, though it is clear you did not plan on me even remembering our agreement" she said i nodded then my eyes widened

"gremory, is she still" i asked

"a dragon, yes, though when you pulled this stunt you broke your bond with her, she has been holed up in your estate, hoping you'd return and reclaim her, she is utterly terrified her family will attempt to sell her off to the phenex again should they learn that your bond has been broken, now that i think about it i should of brought her with me" latia said, frowning, that was an oversight on her part

"once we are done here, i'll collect her, it seems i have even greater work to do, i don't intend to stay in that universe however" i said, latia nodded

"i will join you then" she said

"do you mind if i take over this ship" i asked

"i have had to learn how to fly this vessel, myself since the entire crew vanished so be my guess, many devils are receiving that problem, your hyperion is sitting at dock with no crew" latia said, my eyes glistened, i could get the hyperion back

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