Who am I?

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2014, Highway, Washington D.C

The two soldiers, Sam and Natasha, were all confined inside one of the SHIELD vans, handcuffed and secured. However, Steve's and Bucky's restraints were reinforced, making it impossible for them to break free without a key or their shields.

Bucky sat beside Steve, staring numbly ahead, and Steve was no better. He couldn't believe what he had seen – his sister facing him. "It was her," he told everyone, his mind not feeling like working, but it needed to; he couldn't break down - not now. "She looked right at us like she didn't even know us."

Sam looked confused, "How's that even possible?" He questioned, trying to understand how a girl from the '40s could still be alive and appear the same age as the last time the men saw her. "It was like 70 years ago."

"Zola," Steve voiced in disgust, coming around to his senses, realizing that his sister had been in the hands of HYDRA again ever since she fell from the train because of them. "Marni's whole unit got captured in '43, and Zola experimented on her."

Bucky's eyes widened in realization, "Whatever he did helped Marni survive the fall." His voice was low, bordering on anger at himself for not realizing it sooner. "They must have found her, and..."

Natasha leaned back and blinked; if the blood flow didn't stop soon, she would fade fast. "None of this is your fault, guys," she slurred, her body feeling like it wanted to go to sleep, but she wouldn't let it.

Steve and Bucky ignored her, "Even when we had nothing, we had Marni," Steve mused; all this time, his sister was alive, and who knows what she had been through in those 70 years other than being controlled.


2014, Bank vault, Washington D.C

Winter sat in a chair hooked up to a machine as ordered; she had failed in her mission, so now this would be her punishment. It was expected since when she first started, there had been a few mishaps in her behaviour, but as time went on, she knew the procedure. When she failed, she would get punished by a machine, and she still didn't exactly know what it did. Right now, her metal arm was being fixed after the redhead threw the electric button to stick to her arm, causing a few malfunctions.

Winter's mind wandered ever since the bridge with Captain and Lieutenant America; they had called her Marni. Who was Marni? Was she Marni? - No, she couldn't be. She was Winter, The Winter Soldier! Dr. Zola had saved her from them when she was on one of their missions; he had to give her a new arm as hers had been ripped off because of them. Her memories were lost due to the extent of her injuries. She had ignored it before, but there had always been a feeling that there was a ticking time bomb inside her, something that wanted desperately to get out, but something was blocking it.

She had been working for these people for nearly 70 years, and how come she had only realized now that they may not have been fully truthful about everything they had told her? Why was she having this doubt? What had she become, and why was she so stuck in her head about all this when it had never bothered her before?

Those eyes, the way they stared at her. The way that the men had looked at her. All those emotions flooding into their kind, caring eyes - wait, what did she just think? No, she can't think those things - it wasn't allowed; they were her mission - they need to die! Right?

Her eyes suddenly blanked as pictures and voices filled her mind...

Zola's face in front of her "Commander, Rogers," he said, his accent prominent as his smirk widened her discomfort. "The procedure has already started. You are to be the new fist of HYDRA."

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