Chapter 7

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Their bike lessons continued for the next few days. As soon as the sun started to set, they would both head outside. They chose that time of day so they wouldn't have to endure the brunt of the draining Bangkok heat. An hour or two was all it took to build Becky's experience. She grasped the concept sooner than Freen was expecting. After only about three days of Freen's lessons, Becky could go much farther alone than before. Gradually, Freen stopped aiding her with her hand on the seat nor handlebar. She just watched from the side as Becky ripped through her neighborhood.

"I can't believe I can actually do that," Becky sighed giddily as she walked beside Freen on her way back to their house. Both girls had one hand on the handlebar, walking on either side of the bike.

"I'm proud of you. You did a good job today," Freen beamed, taking no hesitation in saying those words. Over the time they spent together, she found that Becky was kind of like a puppy. If you regarded her with excitement and gave her a ton of compliments, she was putty in your hands. Freen even contemplated rubbing her belly as a reward since she responded so positively to praise. But she decided against it. That probably would've been a little weird.

"Thanks. You're an amazing teacher. I seriously thought there was no hope," Becky shook her head fondly at her first attempt. "Remember a few days ago when I got so mad that I couldn't do it?"

"Yep," Freen affirmed with a little giggle. "You seemed more frustrated than anything, though."

"I was," Becky nodded. "Look at me now," she added in the tune of Chris Brown's song.

"I'm gettin' paper," Freen joined in.

Becky grinned at Freen, then they both broke out into the song. Becky provided the background sound effects. Freen simply sang the chorus. Becky sort of started doing a little dance as they walked the bike back home. Freen was watching her in amusement, now unable to wipe off her stupid smile. After she stopped being so standoffish towards her, she realized that Becky wasn't terrible company at all. She was funny and weird and always kept Freen entertained.

"Oh my god, I can rap all of Busta Rhyme's verse," Becky announced excitedly as the thought popped into her mind.

"You can not," Freen called her bluff blithely.

"I can! Look, I'll do it right now," Becky insisted and came to a stop. "Are you ready for this?"

"Go for it," Freen stopped as well and leaned on the bike to watch her. She didn't know what to believe at the moment. Becky was always surprising her with her odd talents.

"Wait, let me see the lyrics," Becky held a hand up as she pulled out her phone. "Okay. Ready?"

"I just told you I was," Freen laughed and shook her head. Becky was stalling. There was no way she could actually pull it off. "Stop while you're ahead."

"Shut up, I can do it," she insisted and scrolled to the top of the lyrics page.

Becky should've taken Freen's advice. She got off to a nice start, easily flowing through the first few lines. Then she fumbled her words. She cleared her throat and looked up at Freen with blushing cheeks. Then she excused herself and insisted that that was only a minor mistake. Freen relented and offered her another shot, but Becky stuttered again. Freen laughed at her and lost all hope. She knew she couldn't do it.

"You suck," Freen chuckled and began walking once more. It was a little darker now and she wanted to hurry up and make it home. She had superstitions about being out late at night. She wasn't a fan of the darkness.

"I can do it... Just not now. I think you're messing up my flow," Becky fabricated an excuse and waved Freen off.

"Definitely. That's totally the reason," Freen sarcastically agreed with a little giggle.

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