Chapter 33

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"I am so tired," Becky complained after only being at work for about two hours. She had no idea how everyone seemed to flood into the store at once. It was okay, though. They only had six more hours to go.

"Aww, come on. You can do it, babe," Freen grasped her shoulder and gave her some encouragement. Freen was more than accustomed to their peculiar burst of customers at the same time. At Dairy Queen, either nothing was happening, or everything was happening at once.

"Where do they even come from? They're like animals," Becky glared at the counter she'd finally been able to step away from.

When Freen wasn't being abrasive and misplacing her stress on Becky, she was actually a good trainer. Combined with Kade's endeavors to guide her through each order, Becky slowly developed the necessary skills to aid Freen with the front. She felt like she was doing a decent job. She'd only messed up three orders, and her brooding anxiety only got the best of her one time. Freen was superwoman, though. She was tackling the front as well as dealing with the drive through with her headset on simultaneously, because they were understaffed today.

"You did a good job," Freen stepped forward and kissed her forehead sweetly, just to keep her spirits up.

"I messed up..." Becky mumbled and remained unconvinced. Kade passed by and had some sympathy for her. She remembered how hard her first few shifts were, and Becky was doing much better than she had. She caught on quickly.

"You did do a good job, Becca," Kade smiled in passing.

"Thank you," Becky smiled at her. Freen placed her hands on her hips indignantly.

"What? When I say it, you don't believe me... But she says it and you believe her?" Freen playfully narrowed her eyes at Kade, then at Becky.

"You're biased!" Becky explained her rationale and laughed with Kade.

"I am not. If you did a shit job, you know I would tell you," Freen deadpanned. Because of her soft spot for Becky, she would probably sugarcoat it or something, but it wouldn't be repressed. She'd always been rather honest.

"Yeah... That's true," Becky nodded slowly, remembering the mouth Freen could have on her at times. Her smile returned genuinely and she reached out for Freen's hand. She managed to grab her wrist instead and pull her up to her, then she pecked her lips. "Sorry. Thank you too, Freenky."

"You guys make me miss Belle," Kade sighed.

"Yeah, where is she?" Freen had noticed her absence, but hadn't asked about it.

"She's sick, so she's probably at home, sleeping," Kade pouted for her. Becky and Freen had always reminded her of her relationship with her own girlfriend. Missing her drove her to inconspicuously pull out her phone and try to FaceTime her until they got another customer. She hoped she wasn't asleep, like she predicted. "I'll be right back."

"Remember when you got sick and you wouldn't let me take care of you?" Becky brought up one of their earliest good memories fondly. "You were a stubborn little baby."

"Yeah, until you insisted and made me. I remember you burning the soup," Freen giggled at her endeavors.

"Of course," Becky rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I remember that. You were so cute," Freen smiled at her so much that her cheeks began to ache. "I love you."

"I love you too," Becky reciprocated easily and couldn't look away from her compelling eyes. "So much."

"You make it really hard not to - Hang on, babe," Freen signified with one finger and shuffled to the front promptly to greet a customer. Becky watched her in adoration from where she stood without altering her placement much. Freen took the man's order within record time. She made her way back over to Becky after handing him his receipt. "As I was saying, you make it hard not to. I don't know why it took me so long to finally tell you."

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