Chapter 14

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"Best. Day. Ever," Becky announced just before she shoved a piece of pizza into her mouth. Their day had been quite blissful after that eventful morning. It was made even better by ordering pizza for lunch.

"Right?" Freen mumbled her affirmation through a mouthful.

"Don't speak with your mouth full," Becky reprimanded her playfully, just like Freen used to in the early beginnings of their relationship.

"Shut up," Freen rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

"I was mocking you, if you didn't know," Becky shared after she swallowed her bite. "Because you used to tell me that all the time."

"I know. That's why I told you to shut up," Freen explained and covered her mouth when she began to laugh. She then suffered a chill that nearly made her drop her pizza onto her plate.

"Are you cold?" Becky asked sarcastically, entertained by Freen's short display.

"Yeah, my hair is still wet," Freen answered. She didn't detect that sarcasm.

"Why didn't you blow dry it after your shower? Did you just skip it?" Becky asked incredulously. After coming in from their play date in the rain, they both took turns showering and warming themselves up again. The rain was warm against their skin outside, but it didn't blend well when they made it inside. In their drenched clothing, it was very cold.

"Yeah. I wanted to get some pizza while it was still hot," Freen expressed as if it were logical.

"You should go dry your hair," Becky suggested as she assessed Freen's damp hair.

"No, I'm eating. It can dry on its own," Freen said stubbornly.

"You must be trying to get sick," Becky understood with a nod, then bit into her pizza again.

"I'm not gonna get sick," Freen waved her off with her mouth full. "That's not even real. You don't actually get sick that way."

"Okay..." Becky held her hands up in defense. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Becky did warn her. Freen should've taken heed to her advice. Soon after they devoured their pizza, both girls decided to waste their day away by watching reruns of Glee. With Becky on one end of the couch and Freen's legs in her lap, they comfortably watched all of the shenanigans at McKinley High. Within a few hours, Becky's warning started to hold some truth. Every so often, Freen would shield her mouth and cough - but refused to acknowledge it. Becky wore a smirk when she realized that her prediction was indeed becoming a reality. Freen was undoubtedly catching a cold, although neither knew much about the origins.

"You should probably keep yourself wrapped up, since you're getting sick," Becky gave a cheeky suggestion.

"I'm not getting sick. I'm fine. There was just a tickle in my throat, that's all," Freen countered stubbornly.

"Oh, yeah. You're right. My bad," Becky responded in a tone laced with sarcasm.

Freen's stubbornness only continued. Halfway through an episode, she had to endure a sneezing fit. Becky only watched in amusement as Freen began showing symptoms rapidly within the next few hours. She was slowly being proven correct, despite Freen's ridiculous claims. Becky made note of how cute Freen was with a red nose. She found it very becoming. Her eyes had teared up from the excessive sneezing and she looked like a sick little puppy. After it all subsided, Freen was slightly disoriented.

"Still not sick?" Becky teased knowingly, coming back from the bathroom to offer Freen a wad of tissue.

"Nope," Freen shook her head defiantly, still highly unwilling to admit to the very obvious truth. She graciously accepted the tissue anyway, though.

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