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Joshua counted the vehicles parked in the parking lot on the main avenue in the center of the capital, the busiest place in that acropolis where all the hybrid species lived together. The strident ding of the equipment placed along the avenue indicated a violation of traffic laws.

Under the intense summer sun Jisoo wiped the sweat from his forehead to impose fine number 200 just at eleven fifty, he smiled from ear to ear when he heard another loud ding, running towards the place where the car was parked in an area not allowed.

"Two hundred and one." He squealed happily before performing a dance of joy. He deserved a good rest after his resounding victory over the bitter delegate Choi.

Jumping, the young man with feline eyes ventured towards one of the ice cream parlors in the center. His break was not intended to be a calm time, because behind the counter an elephant hybrid was arguing with one of the customers who was nothing more than a fox. Joshua approached the site suspecting that perhaps the fox had bothered one of the customers, he knew well that they could be cheaters and troublemakers.

The store employee receives him with a bad look as he approaches the place where the dispute was taking place. Faced with that, the young officer did not have the option to smile confidently, hoping that this would soften the heart of that enraged elephant.

" Good afternoon, I am Agent Hong, could you tell me what is happening here." The bunny questioned kindly so that the ice cream parlor worker snorted before speaking.

" It happens that this fox does not intend to pay for his order, he thinks we are going to give him one of our products. Unacceptable! The real shamelessness!" The worker blurted out irritated.

Jisoo turned to the aforementioned "fox" and next to it was a small one dressed as an elephant, without a doubt the image of a possible single father with his little one now in his arms moved him. He preferred to remain silent so that the fox hybrid could tell his version of the events.

"Today is Taehyungie's birthday, and my baby who loves elephants wanted a Jumbo lollipop, as you will see who am I to deny something to my son. But..." The father turned to the little fox hybrid he was carrying in his arms
"It seems like you got a stupid father, Tae, I forgot my wallet." He revealed embarrassed.

Joshua stretched his pompous lips into a thin line and regretted having thought badly of that father, just because he was a fox.

"Tae, dad can't buy your gift now it will be for the next boy." He apologized as he was ready to leave the place.

The feline-eyed officer shook his head in dissatisfaction and ran after the fox.

"I will buy your son the palette."

"I couldn't accept it, it would be abusing his kindness." The man with lazy eyes respectfully rejected the help offered.

" It's a gift for your son, don't deny it, we all deserve to be who we want to be in Zootopia." Joshua gently explained to the father who smiled gratefully.

After that he returned to the counter and offered a bill to the cashier while he placed the order, which was interrupted by the elephant from earlier.

" We reserve the right to serve whoever we wish." The elephant reluctantly read the sign placed on one of the walls of the premises.

Joshua snorted in exasperation at just hearing the ridiculous phrase.

" That's discrimination. And if we talk about rights, we should talk about duties and from what I see the majority of employees do not comply with health measures, they do not wear gloves or hats, and that is punishable by law."

The one with feline eyes announced After a while of questioning whether it was worth losing his business because of the young officer, the elephant reluctantly agreed to give him the blessed raspberry-flavored Jumbo lollipop.

With the candy in his hands, Agent Hong goes to where his father and son were giving it to the toddler, who puts his pacifier aside, smiling enormously when he has his gift in his hands.

"Taehyungie, thank the officer..." The fox father stared at the young officer, trying to remember his last name, but he had been distracted by observing each delicate feature of the opponent, from the feline eyes to the plump lips and the beautiful glass-shaped figure. he.

"Officer Hong Jisoo." Avoiding blushing, the youngest of the adults answered.

《 You don't get paid to blush at the first handsome man you see! 》

Joshua scolded himself internally but to tell the truth he had more than reasons to notice the fox hybrid, his lazy eyes, profiled nose, thin and pink lips, angelic features. In addition to his handsome and beautiful bearing.

Coming out of the shrews, Hong watched as the little fox hybrid left his father's arms to be placed on the ground in front of him.

"Tankyu velly muoch." The boy said and Joshua could only laugh sweetly, endeared by the little fox's words.

"It's no big deal..."

"Yes it is, Agent Hong." The handsome man denied cutting the words of the aforementioned.

"Thanks to you I was able to give something to my little one, the days are difficult and I can hardly even pay the apartment rent bill. It calms me to know that there are still good people."

"Don't say that, sir..." This time it was Joshua's turn to guess the other's name, however, as expected, he failed.

" Yoon, Yoon Jeonghan but you can just call me Jeonghan." With a charming smile the lazy-eyed one said.

Joshua bent his knees at Taehyung's height to place a badge of good citizenship on his elephant costume. The younger boy widened his smile even more before running to hide behind his father's legs.

"Well, officer Hong, it was a gift to meet you, Taehyungie says goodbye to officer Hong with Chu-Chu honorable."

Jeonghan said goodbye making the rookie agent laugh again.

Not all foxes had to be liars, right?

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