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The "Origin of Species" was the popular name of that colossal construction where the history of the first civilizations were illustrated in models and paintings, times where predators and prey coexisted chaotically under the premise of survival.

Joshua had never visited that place, leaving him breathless how realistic the works of art exhibited could be, one in particular caused him to accelerate his steps, in front of him in wax sculptures he could see how some wolves hunted some deer.

"It's our story but it still gives chills. This place has always creeped me out." Yoon commented as he hugged himself, making Joshua smile a little.

They continued advancing, without stopping their journey even for a second, ignoring those terrifying paintings and statues that surrounded them, a gunshot was heard causing the duo to turn around watching as two lamb hybrids with guard uniforms chased them.

They ran and ran, hiding behind a column, trying to calm their erratic heartbeats and regain some strength. Joshua gasped in pain touching one of his knees which was bleeding profusely, cursing in a whisper his carelessness, he must have hurt himself during the fight.

"Run away with the suitcase, and take the evidence to delegate Choi." Compressing his bleeding wound with the fabric of his pants, he told the fox hybrid who flatly denied.

"I'm not going to leave you alone with those crazy people, we will get out of here together, Shuji." Jeonghan assured him.

The one with the feline eyes had taken too many risks that day, Jeonghan always described himself as someone selfish and had discovered that, these quality was exacerbated when the matter was about a loved one, he couldn't lose Jisoo, Jisoo was his, although he would sound like a shameless, he needed his fluffy Hong Jisoo more than he wanted and for that reason he did not know at what moment a strange bravery possessed him causing him to start running, distracting the lambs that were chasing them.

Joshua held the suitcase to his chest, holding back a treacherous sob, stupid Yoon Jeonghan.

Observing that there was no one nearby, he walked as fast as his injury allowed him, making a superhuman effort with each step he took. His eyes widened when he saw a group of sheep hybrids in front of him, leading this one, none other than the current mayor of Zootopia, Xù Minghao.

Joshua did not know at what exact moment he was pushed towards a model of a lion's den, falling into it, moaning in pain, rubbing the wounds from which his shirt could not protect him. He looked up watching Minghao take the suitcase, extracting the previously loaded firearm from it and playing with it while he smiled enormously, almost looking like a madman.

Jeonghan accompanied him to the seconds whose angelic face had some scratches as a result of his confrontation with the supposed guards. Breathing heavily, he approached the younger, taking him into his arms, cutting part of the sleeves of the shirt he was wearing with his claws, wrapping Jisoo's wound with it.

None of them dared to utter a word, silently praying that this sequence of unfortunate events would end relatively well.

Minghao laughed, managing to catch Yoon and Hong's attention.

"Nice scene. Aren't you curious to know how the right vice-mayor Xù became The8?" From his place he questioned rhetorically, walking around the grave.

"I was tired of being Kim's lapdog, following him around, putting up with his mistreatment and his huge ego. That stupid man was neither fit nor qualified to be mayor, he wasted money on parties and affairs. I was better, I am better, I had plans, projects that he refused to fulfill. But when the elections came he presented my ideas as his own. It was more than obvious that before choosing a lamb as a leader they would choose the alpha or the lion king, never a member of the flock. Zootopia had to receive a lesson, they had to learn that the strong and brave predators to whom they entrusted the most important positions could be the ones to end what they worked so hard to build. So it's not hard to guess that I became The8 enjoying aiming at the heads of those morons, things got a little out of control when Wen discovered the reason why the predators were going feral, so since I like things clean I had to take out the trash just like Ren and Baekho did with Bumzu." Minghao stopped his steps, bowing carefully, addressing Joshua specifically this time.

Z(S)ootopia㆐JIHANOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant