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"Yoon, how good to see you at my place? Do you want to buy me something? Everything is first hand." With a fake smile Minhyun received the curious pair of guests.

Joshua didn't bother to show any sympathy, expressing his distaste for the weasel hybrid by wrinkling his nose and narrowing his feline eyes as soon as Hwang began to speak.

Jeonghan on his side returned Minhyun's hypocritical smile, revealing his fangs before approaching the weasel's stall.

"I'm not interested in your trinkets Hwang,  but, maybe there is something you can help me with, you know for old times' sake." Yoon mentioned while playing with one of the products that Minhyun surely would has stolen.

The aforementioned laughed loudly before taking a drag on the cigarette he was carrying in one of his hands, to continue laughing, Jisoo rolled his eyes for a few seconds, knowing that getting information out of that useless mammal would be difficult.

"Now you have become a good child who is on the path of good? Who would have thought, Yoon Jeonghan, a lapdog of the Zootopia police." He laughed with disdain, looking at the fox hybrid from head to toe to deny with disapproval.

"It's a shame you could even be earning a good bit of money." Minhyun sighed with mock drama.

Fed up with that little theater, the ex-officer abruptly grabbed the wrist of the weasel hybrid who, upon looking at the angry expression that Jisoo was wearing, laughed with greater intensity. Those continuous laughter irritated the gray-haired one even more, who with little patience painfully bent Minhyun's wrist, making him screamed in pain, trying to free himself from the grip.

"Tell your boyfriend to let me go." The weasel demanded, addressing the redhead who held his other wrist, imitating the action performed by Jisoo a few moments ago.

"If you want us to release you, tell us what you know about night howlers."

Jeonghan ordered him almost in a growl that caused Hwang to shrink in place but the defiant look did not disappear from his eyes.

"I don't know anything, I swear." He answered between his teeth.

"You leave us no choice."

Joshua stated, the weasel hybrid did not understand the reason for the feline-eyed one's choice of words, but seeing him send a message while he and Yoon shared a knowing look let him know that something was wrong, which he confirmed by seeing two polar bears dressed in suits. Wasn't it possible that the peasant rabbit was close to the Lees?  Or yes?

Long story short, only Hwang needed an incentive which was an invitation to enjoy a dip in Jihoon's piranha pond. There, a few centimeters from the water, he began to tell everything he knew about a small group that paid him to plant some flowers there, something small compared to what that band really did. Minhyun told them that there was an improvised greenhouse in an empty wagon which was in the first subway station, there was a clandestine plantation of autumn crocuses. The abandoned carriage was their next destination, which they headed to after having tea with the Lee family.

Stealthily the pair of researchers walked along the lanes, advancing towards what would be the greenhouse mentioned by Hwang.

Jisoo made a couple of signs to the redhead who followed him, but not before checking to see if anyone was following them while he chewed a couple of blueberries, drawing the gray-haired man's attention.

"Really?" Joshua scolded him, taking him by the forearm to speed up his steps.

Jeonghan after swallowing the small fruits offered him an innocent smile.

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