Chapter 3

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As we approached the old lady an others chanting. Gon looks relaxed, Kurapika looks ready to take down a 100 men. Leo is just tense.

Welcome young people,said the lady.

You will have to complete one question an I shall let you pass, she said.

If you had a mother or a loved one both taken and you could only save one. Which would you save? She questioned.

A man walked up to the lady an said, my mother. The lady let him pass.

We stood Thier silent, deep in thought.

The lady started counting down
Leo started getting mad.!!!
Leo picked up a tick.
He jumped an was about to hit the lady but Kurapika stopped him.

I stopped an thought about the answer then it hit me.

You all won this part of the exam, the old woman said.

Leo was in shock.!!
The answer was nothing.Thier was no right answer.

I nodded. So that man that you passed gave the wrong anwser, I asked.

She nodded.

Gon fell to the floor an looked exhausted. I can't think of an answer.

We all laughed. I walked over Gon, an held my hand out to him.
Hopefully you won't have to make that choice, I whispered.
He nodded an smiled, took my hand an we all four walked to our next exam.

*** A few hours later ***

We arrived at a cabin, we walked in an saw a man on the floor beat up. An saw an over grow Fox like demon. With a woman in the beasts claws.
I felt the nen off of the beast. I clearly was the only one seeing it!

The beast ran out the window with the woman. I ran after it when I heard the man say, please save my wife. I nodded I ran after it with Gon+Kurapika. Gon kept up with me, Kurapika wasn't far behind.

I hit the beast with a kick in the back of the head, causing it the drop the woman.

Kurapika!, I yelled.

He jump down, an caught her.

Gon still running , I was standing Thier watching from above Kurapika.

Lady?? Are you ok?, Kurapika asked.

She woke up an sat up slowly.
Thank you for saving me, she said.

Kurapika started talking he stood up his back to her.She slowly stood up.

She had turned into one of thoughs demons. Kurapika didn't know I was still Thier or the woman had changed.

The woman was about to hit Kurapika. So I acted.

I took out my small seif weapon, that I had two attached to my back. I very quickly ran behind the beast and held my seif very close to its neck.

Take one more step an your dead, I whispered in blood lust.

I noticed that my blood lust spiked a little. I tryed to hide it....
Before I hurt anyone..... . .

Kurapika turned around to see me with my weapon close to the neck of the beast.

So now time for some questions, Kurapika said.

The beast grinned.

My eyes went wide. I whispered it's nor human or demon. It's an animal.

Kurapika nodded.

**Gons pov***

Damn it all this beast is fast!

I was able to hit the Fox on the nose. It ran an hide. Shortly came jumping back out.

I can tell it's not the same beast.
Are you the same beast I hit before?, I asked innocently.

It stopped an started laughing. It called out the other beast.

We all went to the cabin.

It was part of the exam, but we treated it like real life.

I hope you guys like it.

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