chapter 11

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Gon I hear him screaming , whats happened???....

I running like my life depended on his life. Faster and faster I could no longer see anything everything was moveing to fast to see with the human eyes. But my eyes allowed me to push threw.

His screams became louder till I fell upon the screams. I fell into a trap... It was an illumination...
Illum this is his work...
A woman layed Thier bleeding out dieing. I felt my blood lust spike.

I almost... Lost control again..

I stepped away an ran, faster I felt as if I was running away from my past...

Damn that. Illum he wanted me to see this, he wanted me to feel pain and the torturer.

I felt warm tears that I have been holding for so long came out.

I couldn't see anymore my eyes were filled with tears.

I missed a step an fell to the ground hard. Knocking the breath out of me.I was tired an just done with everything...

I felt a presents an I knew that this mite be my last day alive...

Will it looks like you saw my work , illum chuckled with an evil grin.

I tryed to get up but I couldn't my body won't move for me. I slowly felt a pin on my arm.. I'm drugged? He poisoned me...

I just looked back up at illum an back to the tree...

I'm sorry Sam.... I let you down I let everyone down... My last day alive?..

I slowly cryed an Illum came closer an closer. Where we were eye to eye. I stopped crying an just closed my eyes.

I felt his blood lust as he was about to kill me. I felt my marks burn telling me to move, run away..

I felt Sam's warm hand on my hand . He smiled at me . Don't give up on us our power is unbelievablely powerful you just got to over come this sadness an look to the future.. I smiled an as Illum was about to take me out.

I had a boost of power. I pushed Illum back to a tree an grabbed his tag an ran.

My eyes were burning fire my hair black as the night. Marks telling me to kill.

I stopped an smiled to find Illum behind me . I dodged his pinns an poison. I unleashed my my first ability. Lights darkness.
Two seifs appeared I took on it was small but when I touched it I felt my father's spirt in it. These were my father's weapons..

It grew in size 5x the size it was.
I'm fighting with my father?...

I felt blue fire.. mother to?

Blue fire ran threw my vains , it lit my whole body. I smiled at the power of my parents. But them I felt chains float above my head.
Sam... I cried tears of joy they never left me. My entire clan Empire lives inside me.

I smirked at Illum. You walk away now to live another day, or die today?

He didn't flench at my question. His blood lust spiked higher. He ran at me.

I fought him I didn't hurt him I just was on defense and offense.
Dodged, hit, repeat.

I was faster an faster. Soon I started getting tired. I have to end this now.

For all examinations you have to be at the dock it 10 minutes.
Make sure you have 6 points. No more fighting game is over.

I smiled at the intercom. Thank you mom, dad, an Sam. I will never forget you. All my abilities disappeared an I walked away from Illum.

I'm going to win no matter what!

Hope you love it... (^3^) I'm trying not the seem very powerful or cocky with her ability. So Ya. Love y'all .

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