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The press spoke of the couple of the year. Alexis' interviews and the couple's public appearance reassured certain French citizens who appreciated their dynamic as a duo.

When the lights went out, Severine found herself in the utmost solitude.


The word seemed absurd for someone like Severine, who had people surrounding her daily. Yet she was alone on a 24/7.

She had no support. No, she had no comfort.

Though she lived in a mansion, had hectares of land, and had employees, she had nothing for herself except Noëm, and even he would leave her one day.

She no longer had a sister. Cara seemed like a concept of the perfect kin gone wrong. Seeing her brought Severine back to her failure as a wife and a sister.

Everything was her fault, or was it?

Could she have avoided their affair?

Severine wasn't sure when she looked at Cara.

"Severine, we need to talk."

The candidate put down her pen and raised a brow at her, "I'm listening."

"What's happening, Severine?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been keeping me in the dark. I'm the last one to know things. You've relegated me to the second plan. You've reduced my tasks to making coffee."

Think yourself lucky, Severine thought as the image of Alexis suffocating came to mind.

The only reason she didn't kill him was the exact reason why she didn't tell Cara.

Alexis wanted to know her weakness and Cara failed to give him an answer, although it was obvious.

Severine's heart only had four valves. One ran to her son and the other to her sister. Her father had a place of choice, and the other was vacant.

Of all the humiliations Alexis inflicted on her with his affairs, the one with Cara amputated Severine's life force. Nothing could describe or convey how she felt. Severine loathed her husband even more, knowing he made her sister a fool on the same occasion. Yet Severine kept him alive so that Cara wouldn't cry.

"There's no big or small task on this campaign."

"Oh, please, Severine. There's something else. I know Noëm's story shook you, but there was your injury. Tell me what's going on?"

Severine touched her hand. She had almost forgotten the desperate gesture Paul spun into a gardening accident.

It made people laugh online, and the news quickly died out as Noëm took the top spot of trending gossip.

"Is it Alexis?" Cara asked, bringing Severine back to the present.

"I think he has a new mistress. He hasn't slept at home since Noëm's coming out. She must have him hooked."

Severine watched her sister's assurance flake. She couldn't guess the turmoil she caused in Cara's mind. Alexis didn't sleep at home but wasn't in Cara's bed either.

Suddenly, the mistress found herself stressing over the eventual other.

"Perhaps he's at his father's," Cara suggested.

"No, Pierre wouldn't babysit his son."

Thanks to Faryil, Severine knew where her husband went to lick his wounds. The snake slithered his way into another set of comforting thighs. Alexis's loyalty was as thick as water. When things went wrong, Alexis just moved on to the next bosom.

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