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The blow was a hard one, a lesson to anyone who took life and their status for granted.

"Alexis, tous le monde t'attends."

The worst scenario had arrived, signing Alexis' game over. Like most candidates, he had the duty to call for a censorship vote against Angelique Barbeau. He was at Severine's mercy.

"Cher français et française, l'heure n'est pas à pleurer une defaite. Il est temps d'agir pour le bien de tous. Je ne parle pas entant que candidat, mais entant que français. J'aime ce beau pays, qui prône les libertés individuelles. Notre pays est riche de part sa diversité, et c'est pour préserver ce bien si précieux que je vous demande de vous joindre à moi et de voter Severine Lafarge. Ce vote est la seule réponse pour repousser le règne de la tyrannie et du fascism. Votez pour la liberté !"

Alexis left the stage and took the phone that Rolland handed to him. "Allo."

"I want you to come home tonight. We have a lot of work to do." Severine hung up without waiting for an answer.

No one would have imagined the outcome. The results were as follows: 21.97% for the exiting president. 22.33% for Angelique Barbeau 22.32% for Severine. The scores were close, but still, people saw the danger.

France would have its first president from the far right if it were the second tour. No matter who won, the women would make history.

"What can we say about this first tour?"

"Well, the French aren't happy, and they're showing it. They have lost faith in the system and historical parties. The country's deficit hasn't been this high since 2021. Again, citizens estimate that the governing bodies are at fault."

"So you're saying the votes for the first round are already censorship votes."

"Yes, the French are willing to take that risk, whether woman or novice. The French want change."

"What risk do you foresee? Angelique Barbeau has a deputy seat in the European Union, and Severine Lafarge is an official party candidate."

"On one side, we have a rigid regime. Mrs. Barbeau has been clear about the politics she wishes to carry out. We can expect more law reinforcement. Strict immigration rules and a rumble in the European Union as she wants France freed from its European obligation and NATO. On the other hand, we have a political novice. Though Severine Lafarge has yet to make a faux pas, one must accept that there will be. Even if well-advised, the candidate must be tuned in for the function. Still, the French seem ready to opt for the wild card."

"The call for the censorship vote has been made. Most candidates have called to vote for the CL candidate. The exiting body has yet to express itself.

"He doesn't need to express himself. I would even go as far as to say supporting either one could cause the candidate prejudice. See, not all support is good in this situation. The exiting president probably doesn't want to be a cannonball, or perhaps he is just maintaining his political line, for we all know he does not believe in either party."

"How about you, Monsieur Mule? Your party lost again yesterday. How do you feel about these results?"

Everyone should be accountable for their actions. I ran well, and the scores prove it. Now, I must prepare for the legislative."

Everyone speculated, including economists, politicians, and whoever had an opinion. Journalists from all over the world invaded French cities to get a feel for the effervescence surrounding the election.

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