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After workouts, I went to meet up with Travis and Jason for dinner. We hadn't really talked because we were all busy. When I got there they were both sitting at a table already. "Well if it isn't our tardy sister," Travis announced. I rolled my eyes.

"Workouts ran late and I had to go back to my dorm after. I have news to share," I added while sitting down. Jason smiled.

"And what would this news be?" Jason asked.

"Is it good or bad?" Travis asked before I started talking.

"Good for me," I shrugged. "The center is out for the rest of the season so I'm starting," I confessed. Both of their faces broke into huge smiles.

"Show them what you're made of Vi," Jason encouraged. We went to talking about normal things but by the time dinner was done. They both said that they would be at every game moving forward.

The next playoff game had gone as fast as it came. We won. I was gaining followers by the day and clips of me playing were constantly going viral. People wanted to see if I could make it all the way. Then the last playoff game before the championship happened. I was nervous but I always remembered what Taylor said and had faith because my brothers were there supporting me. Not to mention the millions of people routing for me to win. We won, again.

Lana POV

"So, Lana, you are considered to be the best center in the league. What do you think about Violeta Kelce and are you worried about going head to head with her in the championship game?" The announcer asked. I paused. I mean I figured she would win but I didn't actually know.

"Violeta is one of the most innovative players that we have seen play at the college level. She made her team one to fear in the playoffs which is hard to do let alone for a freshman. As for my feelings about the championship, I am worried. That being said, only part of that is because of Violeta. Cincinnati as a whole has gotten way better this season and they seem to be playing with little to no resistance," I concluded. Violeta had gotten better every time she stepped onto the field and honestly I don't want to go anywhere near her.

"How do you think Cincinnati has gotten better?" The announcer asked.

"Well their offense is usually okay but this year they are amazing. Not just Violeta but her two ends, it's like they share a mind. Playing anyone who works as a cohesive unit, is difficult and sometimes it's impossible," I explained.

Violeta POV

"So, a lot of people have been paying attention to you this season, how does it affect you?" the announcer asked.

"It doesn't. Don't get me wrong I love my fans and I'm glad that people believe in me but when all is said and done, I don't need people to believe in me. The only way to get better is to commit yourself to it and to believe in yourself. I play to make myself better and for my team," I responded. That was something that I needed to learn to live by because it really is the only way to success.

"How are you feeling about going against Lana Hanover?" The announcer asked.  I laughed a little, she was amazing. 

"Lana is by far the best player in the league.  I am not going to pretend that she isn't but I choose to believe that my team can beat her.  Cincinnati is going for a championship trophy and we are going to play our very best as a team," I concluded.  I wanted to beat her so bad but I knew the likelihood of that happening was slim.  But confidence is so easy to fake when you aren't looking right at her. 

A week later we had our getaway weekend.  Basically, all the lacrosse teams went to a hotel and they took season photos and they announced the nominees for best offensive line, defensive line, rookie (freshman), and player of the year.  We had gotten to the hotel late Friday night and went to sleep as soon as we arrived. 

Saturday morning we had pictures at 8 so I woke up at 5 to get my workout in before.  I got dressed and filled up my water bottle before heading to the gym in the hotel around 5:15.  I started working out and around 6:30 I heard the door to the gym open but I figured it was nothing.  When I had finished the set I was on I went get a drink and saw none other than Lana Hanover.  I stared at her for a second before picking up my water bottle and taking a sip. 

"How did I know that I would run into you?" Lana asked me.  I turned to her. 

"Because we are equally determined," I responded and she huffed a little. 

"This is my senior year.  My last championship.  I am far more determined than you and if you think that this game will be easy than you are seriously mistaken," Lana vented. 

"I guess you saw my interview then.  To be fair, I don't actually think I'm going to win but I sure as hell am going to give you one damn good fight," I clarified.  She laughed. 

"God, we really are the same.  But I wasn't like you as a freshman, I wasn't naturally good, I had to work for it," Lana poked. 

"You saying that I didn't work for it?" I asked her. 

"No I think that you started working a lot sooner than I did and because of that, the world already knows your name.  You are already making a huge difference in and out of the game," Lana complemented.  She looked me in the eyes, "you have a chance to get your name written in the hall of fame.  A chance to change the world.  If I beat you, I won't ruin your legacy but I will set you back.  But then, you have to earn it.  So I won't be making this easy for you."  She did not just say that.  Hall of Fame.  No. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Lana.  Good luck," I concluded before deciding that I worked out enough for the day.

I got back to the room around 7 and hopped in the shower.  I couldn't get what she said out of head, I wasn't really that good, was I? 

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