All is Fair...

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I started a group chat with Taylor and Kylie and sent this text: Hey!  So I was thinking about our little takeover and since Taylor is on break from her tour, now is as good a time as any.  Not even a minute later Taylor facetimed the group chat and we all picked up.  

"How?" Taylor asked and I laughed.  

"Well, you two live with them and I was thinking that we could switch the recording on their computer before they post it," I told them and Taylor had a huge grin on her face.  

"You just want help messing with your brothers," Kylie pointed out.  

"Come on, Kylie.  I am sure there is something hes done that totally deserves payback like I don't know leaving you with a shark," I said and Taylor started laughing.  Kylie was holding back laughter.  

"I'm in," Kylie said.  "BUT if we get caught, this was all your doing," Kylie said and I agreed.  There was absolutely no way that my brothers would actually be mad.  We started talking logistics and when we could all talk when they wouldn't find out.  But then, we realized that we had no idea what we would talk about.  

I started scrolling through Kylie, Taylor, and my Instagram looking for questions that we could actually talk about and we could definitely get off on some random topic.  

Taylor, Kylie and I all joined a call.  Taylor was on Travis's computer, he was with Zach because I told Zach to occupy him for a few hours, and Kylie was on Jason's computer, he was with the kids somewhere.  When we started the recording, we all said, "TAKEOVER," at the same time.  The second we were down saying the word we broke down laughing.  

"Hey guys, we have taken over New Heights for the week," I said after I finally stopped laughing.  

"Yeah, and we didn't tell them so, this should be fun," Kylie added.  

"Football season is over anyway, they won't care," Taylor said with a smile on her face.  I knew that this would shake the internet but I was hoping that it would burn all the rumors that we hadn't accepted Taylor.  

"So, what do we want to talk about?" I asked them.  I figured we should probably start off with an actual conversation before I started adding some of the questions.  

"How great of you to volunteer.  I am sure that people still want to know how you met Zach," Taylor said and Kylie laughed.  I opened my mouth and then shut it again.  

"Obviously your plan has backfired," Kylie said which caused me to laugh before getting back to the question.  

"We met on a college campus in 2009," I said trying to think of the best way to phrase 'he stalked me'.  "He came and talked to me was annoying as heck for two days and then I agreed on a date with him," I explained.  

"Wait if he was annoying you, why did you agree to go on a date?" Kylie asked.  

"I was hoping that the date would be bad and he would leave me be after that," I responded.  

"I am guessing it didn't go bad," Taylor observed and I laughed.  

"It was awful, actually.  But we stopped on the car ride back and had an actual conversation.  After that, we parted ways with no way to contact each other.  He left saying that he knew that I would end up with him eventually," I contradicted.  

"And look at that, he was right," Kylie pointed out and I rolled my eyes.  

"I just realized that all three of you are from Pennsylvania," I said.  

"What?" Taylor asked and Kylie looked confused too.  

"You two and Zach all grew up in PA," I explained.  

"You Kelce's obviously have a type," Kylie joked.  We started answering some of the questions that they asked and diving deeper into the inner workings of the Kelce family and how everything works most of the time.  I had left any personal questions about Taylor off the list because I didn't want to pressure her into saying anything but she seemed comfortable.  So I texted her with my phone off the screen.  Do you care if we talk beginning of Tayvis?  She very quickly responded.  Nope, just don't go into detail.  She amended her statement with The picture detail.  

"Something I am sure fans are dying to know is how you and Travis started," I slipped into the conversation and Taylor had a smirk on her face.  Kylie sensed that Taylor wasn't caught off guard so she added on.  

Taylor POV

Travis had told me tons of times that how public our relationship was is my decision.  He always said that he didn't care what people knew as long as I wasn't giving people intimate details.  

"I actually haven't this story," Kylie pointed out and Vi laughed.  

"I believe that Violeta over there set us up," Taylor said.  That was the first time that I actually said that and I saw a sense of pride wash over Violeta before she faked innocence.  

"I simply invited a friend over for dinner and Zach so happened to bring Travis back to our house.  I did nothing," Violeta said.  She was a horrendous liar and it was almost comical.   

"Wait, you invited Taylor and Travis over to your house and didn't tell either one that the other was going to be there?" Kylie asked and Violeta nodded.  They both started dying laughing and I was just smiling.  How on earth did I get so lucky?  

"Zach informed me of my brothers friendship bracelet and I know Taylor's policies  on visitors so I gave him a shot," Vi said, actually telling the truth this time.  

"I would say you gave him a few shots.  You forced me to go their practice the next day," I stated and Kylie started laughing again.  

"You are amazing, Vi," Kylie said in between laughs.  

"It was forcing, it was very harshly suggesting," Violeta tried to reason but it would not work.  "Also you asked me for his number, so I do believe that my set worked," Vi said smugly.  I rolled my eyes and laughed it off.  We talked for a little bit longer before we finally ended the recording.  Kylie switched it with the one that Jason would be posting tomorrow and we both put everything back to where it was before Travis and Jason left their respective computers.  

I had just gotten out of Travis's office when I heard him come in downstairs.  I panicked because the office was the only room in this particular hallway and I didn't know if I could play it off.  I walked out into the main area and kissed him.  "Welcome back," I said and narrowed his eyes.  

"I missed you," he said pulling me into a hug.  I thought he hadn't noticed where I came from.  "Where you in my office?" Travis asked and I felt my heart rate pick up.  

"No," I said as calmly as I could and I could tell that he didn't believe me.  

"You want to try again?" Travis asked me and I shook my head before I walked away.  I was not blowing Violeta's prank.  

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