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After we put the kids to bed, we set the presents out and all went to bed.  Zach and I had asked for no presents until they were old enough to open them and Kylie had adopted the same rule.  The next morning, I woke up to banging on the door.  Christmas morning.  We all went down after being woken up and everyone opened their presents. 

The whole day, we were telling old stories and reminiscing on how everything used to be.  I noticed that Taylor's mom and my mom had gotten very well acquainted.  Same with our dads, it was crazy how similar our parents were. 

Travis had grabbed Taylor and taken her on a walk out in the yard.  There was basically a mountain at the end on the backyard so I figured they were going to admire the view.  I looked out the window at some point and saw Travis down on one knee.  That was perfect.  I assumed she said yes considering when he stood up she kissed him.  I didn't say anything and waited for them to come in and announce it. 

"Guess what?" I heard Taylor say.  I turned to face them as did everyone else.  "We're engaged!" She cheered.  That was the happiest I think I have ever seen her and I couldn't have been more happy for her.  I finally understood what she said when I got married.  She told me that it didn't matter whether we drifted apart or not because I was married all that mattered was that I was happy.  That was the definition of what I was feeling right now but I don't think that we ever will.  She's going to be my sister. 

Everyone was congratulating them and it as all pretty standard but I felt Taylor's eyes on me.  I was waiting for her to come to me because I needed her to really know that I meant it.  She walked over towards me and I stood up.  "Congratulations, Taylor," I said and I hugged her.  "Pinky promise," I whispered in her ear.  When she pulled away, she was smiling so brightly that it almost made me burst. 

"Thank you, Vi.  That means the world," Taylor said. 

"You are the world," I responded and she just hugged me again.  Between the two of us, we had never truly admitted that we would always have the power to destroy the other and it was the trust that held us so close together.  I always knew that she would have my back no matter what and she knew the same went for her. 

We ate dinner and everyone left Taylor and Travis to enjoy themselves.  Getting engaged for the two of them was a big deal and I was just praying that the Swifties backed their relationship.  I knew it would destroy Taylor if they weren't happy with her relationship but she would do it for him. 

Zach and I were lying in bed.  "Our best friends are marrying each other," Zach said.  I couldn't tell from the way he said it what his opinion on the situation was so I didn't say anything.  "That's great for them," he said but he wasn't talking to me.  He was assuring himself. 

"You know that he will always be your best friend right?" I asked and Zach didn't respond.  "He is still your best friend and you're married.  Trust me, it won't make as much of a difference as you think," I assured him and he kissed my head. 

"You always know what to say Firefly," Zach said.  We went to sleep and it was hard for me to believe that Zach was worried.  But then I thought about it and that had to have meant that us getting married put a rift in between him and Travis otherwise he wouldn't be worried but then why hadn't I realized.

The next morning, I couldn't seem to contain the question. "Did you and Travis drift apart when we got married?" I asked and Zach looked at me confused before it registered.

"No we didn't but you and Taylor did. For a year or two, you didn't even talk about her, it was like she was gone. I never want that to happen again," Zach said. I smiled. How did I find a guy that is so worried about how I feel? He shouldn't be this caring.

"It won't," I said. That was the last thing we said on the topic. Zach and I spent the rest of the week together with the kids. Very rarely did we find time to just be together with nothing in the world to worry about. I never thought I would reach a point in my life where happiness was so effortless. As much as I hated to admit it, not playing lacrosse anymore had put me in a little bit of a tailspin. I had never truly gotten over it, it was something that loomed over me like a pain that I never thought would go away but for the first time, it did. Everything that I had been through, it all evaporated. This was my life now and I have finally learned to stop focusing on what had happened.

Authors note

Okay short chapter, sorry.

I have been thinking a lot and I think I want to write Zach's backstory and get into the details of it all but I don't know. So the question is do you guys want me to write it?

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