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After Taylor was discharged, I spent about a week at her apartment. I waited until she bounced back. I knew that there was a part of her that would probably never heal after what had happened but she knew that she could always call me and I would be there in a heartbeat. I thought that I had made peace with what happened but the second I walked into my house and stood face to face with Zach, I broke down. He hugged me and whispered confronting words in my ear. He let me cry until I was ready to stop. I still hadn't told him what happened and I couldn't.  At least not all of it.  I told him that Taylor fainted and fell down flights of stairs and after that he dropped it.

After Taylor's tour had started, I texted her everyday just to see how she was doing. I think that as time went on she had healed about as much as was possible but she still needed to move on. 

Taylor POV

Everything that happened tore me to pieces but I was collecting them.  There is a part of me that thinks I'll never find that with someone again but I know that I'm being delusional.  I still want to be single for a while and try to rebuild my life and myself before going into another relationship. There was a part of me that knew though that I wasn't good single and that I would get a boyfriend. I just needed to make sure that he was a good person and treated me well.

Violeta POV

Taylor's tour had led her to Kansas City and I was excited to see her but upon request, I wouldn't be attending her tour.  A few of the Chiefs players were going and I encouraged Zach to go with them.  Zach texted me from the show.  Your brother made a friendship bracelet with his number on it for Taylor Swift.  I started laughing when I read it. My brother was goofy but there was no way that he actually thought that would work.  You're joking why didn't he just ask me?  I responded. He says that it's a grand gesture Zach responded. I told him to enjoy the concert and that he should bring Travis back for dinner.

I knew that Travis wouldn't get a chance to talk to Taylor and if he was serious about this then I needed to be somewhat supportive. I was married to his best friend so I didn't really have any room to say that he couldn't meet mine.  I texted Taylor and invited her over for dinner.  I also wanted to check up on her. 

Zach POV

"Come on, I play for the Chiefs can I please meet her?" Travis asked.  He had resorted to begging the guards to let him see Taylor.  I was finding this whole situation funny.

"Zach?" I heard someone say and instinctively I turned to the voice.  Tree.  "Hey why didn't you just say you were here to see Taylor they would've let you through," Tree continued.  Travis was glaring at me and Tree picked up on it. "But in this case, they would've told you that she isn't here. She left as soon as the show was over," Tree defended me. Travis scoffed.

"Make it up to you over dinner?" I asked Travis. He reluctantly agreed and we headed back to my house. I noticed that there was extra security around and that was when I realized why Vi wanted Travis at our house. When we walked in, I was walking faster than Travis and saw Vi and Taylor sitting on the couch talking. I turned so that I could see Travis's face when he noticed Taylor was there.

He looked absolutely awestruck and lovesick. It was a look that I hadn't seen from him before. I had originally thought that this was all some elaborate joke but seeing the way that he looks at her, I think he actually likes her.

"Hey Vi," I said as I walked over and kissed her head. "Taylor, great to see you as always," I said as I walked into the kitchen. I drew their attention to the fact that there were other people on the house.

"It's great to see you again, both of you," Taylor said and I smiled.  I had kind of forgotten that they were both at my wedding. 

Violeta POV

The look on Travis's face was absolutely priceless.  I knew that he was serious about her the second that he started putting in effort but if I didn't know any better I would say that he is already in love with her.

"Hi Taylor," Travis said. I noticed that he was kind of at a loss for words.  Glacier walked up to Travis and started head butting him so he bent down and started petting her.  From the way that Taylor was acting, I knew that she didn't even see Travis as a possibility.  Probably because he wasn't her type but it definitely had something to do with the fact that he's my brother. 

Travis and Zach ended up making dinner.  We talked together in a rhythm that was completely comfortable during dinner.  There was never a dull moment which I know Taylor appreciated.  We ended up out on the patio and we were all drinking wine.  Zach grabbed my hand and took me to dance leaving Taylor and Travis alone. 

Taylor POV

After Vi and Zach went to dance in their backyard, Travis came to sit next to me.  "They are so cute," I said trying to break the silence.  I didn't take my eyes off of Vi and Zach. 

"Yeah, I wonder how they got so lucky," Travis mentioned and I turned to look at him. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him. 

"That kind of love doesn't just happen but they got it," Travis elaborated. 

"They made it," I corrected him and he raised an eyebrow at me.  "They put in the time and the effort to make sure that they were both comfortable.  Most people don't take the time and they settle," I elaborated and he smiled. 

"I want something like that.  I haven't been able to find the right person though," Travis added after he had turned to look back at Vi and Zach. 

"I thought I did, but it didn't work," I said.  My voice broke a little and I noticed that Travis had a physical reaction to it.  We sat there in a comfortable silence until Vi and Zach came back. 

"Since you are both drunk, you aren't allowed to leave," Vi said as she walked over to us.  I was perfectly okay with that but I was pretty sure I wouldn't be sleeping.  It was something I was having trouble with. 

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