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The next day, I woke up and Zach was already out of the room.  So I walked out to the kitchen and saw that he and Taylor were making breakfast.  "Good morning, chefs," I joked and Taylor laughed. 

"I cannot cook.  Bake yes," Taylor said.  I walked over to Zach who was leaning back against the counter and kissed him before turning back to Taylor. 

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked.  Taylor was the only person in this house who actually cared about planning our days out. 

"I want to make Christmas cookies," Taylor said.  "I sent the guys a list to go get stuff at the grocery store," Taylor finished.  That's why no one was here. 

"You sent Austin with my brothers?" I asked.  She smiled.  "Damn, you have more confidence in them than I do," I said and Zach gasped. 

"Don't talk like that, there are children," Zach said sarcastically and Taylor started dying laughing.  I glared at him before walking away to the babies room. 

When I got there, Kylie was holding Benny.  We started talking while we played with them.  "So, what's going on?" Kylie asked. 

"What do you mean?" I questioned. 

"Well let's see first Travis was saying nothing then after his trip with you and Jason he seemed to not shut up.  You guys are not as discreet as you think you are," Kylie pointed out.  I almost started saying something with Ellie came in. 

"Mommy, Tay said food done," Ellie said and Kylie smiled. 

"Thanks Ellie, we'll be right down," Kylie said and Ellie ran out.  Kylie just looked at me waiting for me to say something, I didn't.  I just grabbed the twins and went to the dining room.  Kylie kept looking at me the entire breakfast but I needed to get her off me because I knew that Taylor would notice.  I hadn't even told Zach, this was something that took a minute. 

Jason POV

Taylor sent us to get groceries and Austin was with us.  It was awkward at first but we seemed to get along pretty well.  We checked out and were on the way home.  "So, Travis, are you planning on proposing anytime this week or are we all just supposed to pretend like it isn't obvious?" Austin asked and Travis's eyes widened. 

"What?" Travis choked out and I had to hold my laughter in. 

"Dude.  The two of you are constantly talking or right next to each other and no to mention the fact the Vi is actually okay with this.  She wouldn't have let it happen if she didn't think it could last," Austin explained. 

"How do you know my sister so well?" I asked him and he laughed. 

"When they met Taylor wouldn't shut up it was all Violeta this and Violeta that.  After I met her though it made sense and I can assure you, Violeta wouldn't risk your happiness or Taylor's," Austin said.  I didn't know how exactly he knew that just from talking to her but it was a risk that Travis couldn't afford right now. 

"That would explain why Violeta never let me talk Taylor," Travis muttered and I slapped my head. 

"Wait, you wanted to talk to Taylor?  Before you went to her concert," Austin asked. 

"Okay I'm going to stop this conversation right here because someone is going to say something stupid," I said. 

"Okay onto you then.  What are you doing now know that your retired?" Austin asked.  He was prodding for information and he seemed to be a master at it. 

"I've been enjoying family life," I stated. 

"You should get into the business world, you would be really well connected," Austin suggested.  We finally pulled into the driveway. 

"That's actually not a bad idea," I said and we all got out.  The second we walked in Violeta looked over at us and then turned to Taylor.  Taylor had Zara sitting in her lap and Violeta had Viridian. 

"See, I was right," Violeta said.

"About?" Travis questioned putting the bags down on the counter. 

"Nothing," Violeta and Taylor said at the last time, both took their attention off of the kids in their laps.  Travis looked at Zach who put his hands up but he had a smirk on his face. 

Violeta POV

"Tay," Zara squeaked.  The room went dead silent.  She just said a word. 

"Did she just?" Zach asked and I just nodded too stunned to speak.  Zara was looking at Taylor with puppy dog eyes and it was so cute.  She really knew how amazing Taylor was and she wasn't even a year old. 

"So is twin telepathy a thing cause if it is than Viridian should start talking soon," Austin said.  I looked at him confused.  "What it's a valid question?" Austin defended himself.

"No, it's not," I said back at him. 

"Mommy," Viridian said and I stopped.  Everyone in the room started laughing.  It so is not a thing, I hope. 

"See valid question," Austin said when he finally stopped laughing. 

"It really wasn't," I reiterated and he rolled his eyes. 

Later, Taylor had convinced me to help her bake cookies but I was really just watching her and Kylie bake.  Wy and Ellie were standing on either side of me and they were constantly asking questions and it was starting to get slightly annoying so I connected my phone to the speaker.  I was feeling some throwbacks and I had a playlist with me and Taylor's first album that we worked on together.  There were songs that each of us had released separately but in this specific version, we were both singing in all the songs.  I saw the second Taylor realized that it was the first version recorded. 

"I didn't know you still had these," Taylor pointed out. 

"I would never get rid of them," I said.  We spent the rest of the time that Taylor and Kylie were baking singing and dancing with the music.  I don't know if they realized the differences to the released songs but it still made me smile when they tried to sing along. 

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