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There were a few bumps when it came to me living in Kansas City but I mostly figured it out.  I flew back to New York once a month and sometimes stayed overnight depending on what time my meeting was.  I was becoming friends with Brittany Mahomes because we were both always in the family booth.  I always sat by the glass and cheered them on during games.  I got a phone call from the NLL so I had to step away.  

"Hello, this is Violeta Kelce," I said answering the phone.  

Hello!  I am pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to be inducted into the NLL Hall of Fame because of your contributions to the way the game is played.  

"Your kidding?" I asked in total shock.   The person on the other end laughed.  

I am not.  This is real.  Congratulations, Violeta Kelce.  They hung up.  I put my hands to my face and I could tell that I was crying.  There was no way this was happening right now.  I felt someone put their hand on my back and when I looked it was my mom.  I hugged her.  

"Shh.  What's going on?" mom asked while she hugged me.  

"Hall of Fame," is all I said.  I could not form proper sentences and I heard my mom gasp.  She pulled away from me and looked into my eyes.  

"You got in?" She asked and I nodded.  She hugged me again.  "I am so proud of you, sweetie," my mom whispered.  I knew that everyone in the box was looking at us but I didn't care.  

Travis POV

I noticed that something was going on in the box because no one was looking at the game.  "What do you think is happening up there?" I asked Zach.  He looked up at the box and then got worried.  

"Vi isn't in the same spot that she was before," Zach observed and I stopped.  

"She is fine, Zach.  It's probably nothing," I said hoping to ease his worries.  But I was worried because I couldn't see my mom anymore either.  

Violeta POV

After the game, Mom and I went down to meet up with Zach and Travis.  "Great game guys," I said when I finally saw them.  

"Funny coming from someone who missed a whole quarter," Zach noted.  I was smiling, there was nothing that could make me not happy right now.  

"What happened?" Travis asked looking between mom and I.  I looked at my mom and she told me that it was my news.  

"I got a phone call from the NLL.  I have been retired for 5 years so I was able to be nominated," I said and they both still looked confused.  "I am being put in the Hall of Fame," I said and both of their faces lit up the second they registered what I said.  Before I knew it, I was lifted off the ground.  Zach spun me around and kissed me.  

"That is incredible," Zach said when he finally let me go.  

"You are amazing, Vi," Travis said as he hugged me.  I laughed and I almost started crying again.  We went out to dinner and celebrated.  I still couldn't believe that it was actually happening.  

The next morning, I woke up to a phone ringing.  Usually, it was Zach's so I just ignored it.  "Firefly, your phone," Zach said as he handed me my phone.  I didn't even look to see who it was and just picked it up.  

"Hello," I said in a groggy voice.  

"Hey, I need a new music producer got any recommendations?" Taylor asked and I woke straight up.    

"Yes.  We are so doing this," I responded excitedly which caused Zach to look at me.  Taylor started laughing on the other end.  

"How about I come to KC?" Taylor asked me.  I agreed and I told her that I had news but wouldn't tell her what it was.  

When Taylor arrived, she had Tree Paine, her publicist, with her.  I let them inside and we were at my dining room table.  "Hi, Violeta Kelce," I offered Tree my hand.  I had never actually met her but I had heard a lot from Taylor.  

"Tree Paine," Tree took my hand and smiled.  "So, how long have the two of you been friends?  I tracked your public appearances back to 2009," Tree asked getting straight to business.  

"Summer of 2008," I responded and she nodded.  

"Tree she isn't going to do anything shady.  She knows everything already and never says anything," Taylor assured her.  We worked out the details of her contract and I signed her to my company.  Whenever dealing with artists that write all their own music, I have a set fee and let the artists keep their own royalties as well as all rights to their music.  

"We do have a problem though," I said and they both looked at me alarmed.  "Now that you have an NDA I have to inform of a bad thing that goes on at Big Machine Records.  They have all rights to any music that you produced while with them which means," I was interrupted.  

"I have to start over," Taylor sighed and slumped back in her chair.  

"With your popularity, you could re-release all of your music," I offered a solution and Taylor sat up.  

"Would that work?" Taylor asked.  

"It would and the PR that you would get would be amazing," Tree chirped in.  Taylor agreed and I knew how much work this would be but she could do it.  Eventually, we stopped talking business.  

"So what was your big news?" Taylor asked.  

"Yesterday, I got a phone call from the NLL," I stated and Taylor was signalling for me to continue.  "I am going to be in the Hall of Fame," I said.  Taylor screamed and hugged me.  

"That is insane.  How are you not screaming from the rooftops?" Taylor asked after she hugged me.  

"I am on the inside but the public doesn't yet," I explained.  

"I am so thrilled for you," Taylor said enthusiastically and hugged me again.  "Who knows?"  She asked me.  

"Everyone who was with me yesterday, Kayley, Lana, and you.  I forgot to tell Jason," I said and quickly pulled my phone out and called him.  

"Hey, Vi.  What's going on?" Jason asked when he picked up the phone.  

"I am a Hall of Famer," I stated and Jason gasped.  

"You're joking?" Jason asked excitedly.  

"Not at all.  Jason I did it," I confirmed.  

"You really deserve it, Vi.  I am so proud of you," Jason said.  

"YOU'RE AMAZING VI," I heard Kylie scream and Jason laughed.  

"Thank you and tell Kylie that I said thank you," I said.  

"Of course.  Bye, Vi," Jason concluded.  

"Bye," I said and I hung up the phone.  Taylor and I hung out for a few more hours before Zach got home from practice.  

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