Kelce Athletics

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"VIOLETA," I heard Travis yell from downstairs, I didn't even know that he was here. I went down to see what was going on and he and Jason were sitting at the dining room table. Zach took the kids to the park but I had work to do so I had to stay home.

"What is going on?" I asked and they both smiled.

"Have a seat," Jason said motioning to one of the chairs across from him. I just looked at them for a second before sitting down.

"We have been toying around with the idea of expanding and since Jason retired, we figure now is the best time to do so," Travis explained. I was about to talk when Jason shushed me.

"I have to do something. I have been doing promotions for companies but we as partners of the year's best podcast want to market our own line of sneakers and athletic wear," Jason concluded.

"What exactly are you asking me?" I asked. They both hesitated.

"We know that you have a platform and full proof method of production so we want to use your infrastructure and you can have 10% of profits," Travis said.

"Did you steal that line from Shark Tank?" Travis rolled his eyes and Jason laughed. "Look, I can help you but I want to be a partner. Which is a good deal considering I only allow companies I OWN to use my infrastructure," I offered. They started whispering among themselves and I just sat back and relaxed. They probably thought that I would throw them a bone because they are my brothers but this is business.

"You have a deal," Jason said, bringing me back into the conversation.

"Fantastic. Now, do you have designs, prices, names, or anything planned out already or are we starting from scratch?" I asked.

"We have product designs and we were thinking since we are all going to be partners that we should call the company Kelce," Jason told me. I agreed and I called my people and they started working out the logistics. We spent hours on the phone answering questions and attempting to make their vision a reality.

Over the next two weeks, Travis and Zach were practicing for the superbowl so Jason and I had been primarily working together on everything. The two had briefly suggested that something was in the works on the newest episode and the internet blew up. People wanted to know exactly what we were planning but my brothers and I kept it all under wraps as best as we could.

Today was the Super Bowl and I was beyond excited. In the luxury box was Taylor, Kylie, Jason, Mom, Dad, Taylor's brother, and all the kids. There was always a chance that this was the last Super Bowl that Zach would be in and I wanted the twins to be there for it. The game was extremely close just like last year and I was super nervous. You could cut the tension in the air of the stadium and I could tell that things on the field were getting heated. It came down to the last minute. They won. The crowd erupted as Travis scored the winning touchdown.

Instead of going to the after party, Kylie, the kids, and I went back to the hotel and had our own little party. It was absolutely amazing and was arguably better than the actual after party.

Everyone went back to their homes the next day. Zach was absolutely thrilled and he was happy that Travis got his moment. He spent a lot of time hyping everyone around him up and I honestly think that it was the only reason that him and Travis got along because at the end of the day, they would always keep each other hype.

After the Kansas City Parade, I was sitting in my house when I got a phone call. "Boss, Kelce Athletics is ready to be launched whenever you say so. I just sent you the link to the unpublished website and the image to release to your installer whenever you are ready," one of the marketing executives said.

"Thank you so much, I'll talk to my brothers and let you know," I replied.

"Sure thing. Bye," the executive said.

"Bye," I said before hanging up and texting the group chat with my brothers everything that I was sent along with the message: look over everything on your own and let me know if you see anything that needs to be changed.

They both said that they would and I also received a text from Taylor: You up to join my live? My fans are begging. I laughed before clicking onto her live.

"Hey Vi," Taylor said excitedly. She and Travis still hadn't announced their engagement and honestly I think they were both reveling in it. 

"Hi Taylor," I responded.  She had the brightest smile on her face and her hair was down and curly. 

"So everyone is absolutely dying to know what you and your brothers are planning," Taylor said and I giggled.  I quickly looked at the comments and noticed that it definitely was a popular opinion. 

"All I can say is that we have been entirely busy and I have a feeling, if all goes well, it will be public information very soon," I said.  I always liked firing up fans without actually giving away any information whatsoever. 

"That's such a political answer," Taylor sighed.  "Anyways, what did you think of the parade?" 

"It was electric," I said and I noticed a blush for on Taylor's face.  I had started saying 'electric' only because Travis did and it always made me laugh when I got to Taylor.  "They honestly know how to throw a parade and winning 3 superbowls in a row is absolutely insane," I added. 

"I know.  Travis has been bouncing off the walls about it.  I really glad that I got to experience it all with you guys," Taylor said and I smiled. 

"Trust me, when they win a fourth, it will be even more crazy," I said and Taylor gasped. 

"Did Violeta Kelce just confirm that her husband is playing another season?" Taylor asked and I shrugged.  Zach was on a one year contract at this point because of his age but I knew that he would stay as long as Coach Reid did. 

Authors note:

I know that it has been forever but I have had a ton of personal stuff going on and I was being absolutely slammed at school.  Let's just say that it's been a crazy few weeks.  I will try to keep updating as often as I can but I'm not sure how often that will be.  I hope you enjoy the story and if anyone has any ideas just comment them and it might end up in the story!

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