First birthday

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When we got back to the house, everything was so calm.  Zach and I were debating whether or not we wanted the twins to have a birthday party or not.  I kinda just wanted to do something the four of us because we just spent so much time with family.  But, the chiefs made it to the AFC championship which was two days before the twins birthday.  So everyone was together and they left their presents before they got to enjoying their win. 

On the twins birthday, we woke them up and took them down to the kitchen.  They were both starting to say most words but the order was almost never right.  "What do you two want for breakfast?" Zach asked. 

"Pancake," they both said and they looked at eachother surprised.  I laughed.  You know I didn't put much stock in twin telepathy but they made me question it sometimes.  Zach made chocolate chip pancakes and gave them orange juice in their sippy cups.  We all ate and Zach and I spent a lot of time just watching.  We were both extremely familiar with the concept of things moving to fast so we did everything we could to slow it down. 

"Today is all about you both," I told them taking their plates, "so what do you want to do today?" I asked.  They seemed to deliberate for a while with each other.  I had absolutely no idea what they were saying to each other. 

"Movie with wand," Zara said. 

"Fire night," Viridian added. 

"So you want to watch Harry Potter and then have a bonfire?" Zach asked and they both shook their heads yes.  I had introduced them to Harry Potter on accident and they became slightly obsessed.  It was adorable.  I finished putting the dishes away and then we all went into the living room and sat down on the couch.  Zara was in Zach's lap and Viridian was in mine.  We watched  5 of them and it took around 13 hours.  They didn't let us stop for lunch so we ate it in the couch. 

When it was finally over, they weren't the slightest bit tired and I didn't know how.  Zach started a fire in our fire pit and we gave them both tiny pieces of cake.  They missed their months 90% of the time but it funny.  After they both were winding down they hugged us.  "Thank you, you da best," Zara said and Viridian agreed.  We put them to bed and I felt a little bad leaving them in their rooms.  I kissed both their heads and tucked them in before Zach dragged me to sleep. 

"I think today was my favorite day," Zach said and I couldn't disagree with him. 

"I think that we are going to have a lot more best days,"I said and he collapsed onto the bed. 

"Yeah well maybe they won't leave me this exhausted," Zach said.  I washed my face before I went to lay down with him.  He pulled me close  to him and kissed me.  "Good night, Firefly," he said.  I could hear the sleep pulling at his voice. 

"Good night, babe," I whispered and kissed his jaw before relaxing in his arms.  I wanted a hundred more days like this but it was a pipe dream and we both knew that. 

Zach had practice the next day, they were going to the Super Bowl and I was home with the kids.  I was sitting on the couch working and they were on the floor playing with blocks.  "Mom?" I heard Viridian say and I looked up and motioned for him to continue.  "Why dad practice much?" Viridian asked me. 

"Because he is the very best and that means that he has to practice a lot to stay there," I explained and Zara looked confused. 

"But dad already best?" Zara asked. 

"He is but even he became the best by practicing super hard and he has to continue playing at the top of his game to win," I elaborated and they looked at each other before looking at me. 

"You best?" Viridian asked and I smiled. 

"I am in the Hall of Fame for lacrosse which were they put the greatest players," I told them and they both smiled. 

"Mom is greatest.  You better dad?" Zara asked. 

"I played a different sport you can't compare," I said and Zara didn't look satisfied so I added, "but I earned more awards." 

"Mom better than dad," Viridian said.  They hugged me and giggled. 

Later when Zach got home, Zara got up and walked over to him.  She took her first steps and Zach looked at me surprised.  "I don't know," I said slightly speechless. 

"Mom better than you," Zara said giggling and Zach turned his head at him.  He picked Zara up and kissed her head. 

"Did she tell you that?" Zach asked Zara.  Zara looked over at me and I shock my head. 

"Yes," Zara said nodding. 

"Traitor," I said and Zach started laughing.  We weren't exactly normal and I knew that but it was nice to have these moments.  The things that some people only wish that they had, I get to live it.  I wasn't too sure about my first child being a twin but I think that overall, I had adjusted.  Sure it isn't easy but when is anything worth having easy. 

Later that night, Viridian was mad that Zara was walking around so he decided to get up and try walking.  He fell quite a few times before he got it but he took his first steps.  They really knew how to piggy back off each other and I knew that they would be fine. 

Authors note:

Thanks for the feedback!  I published the first chapter of Zach's life.  It's called Tenacity and it's on my profile.

Check it out!

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