Status update 19/02/24

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Due to having so many active books, the posting schedule is chaotic! Sorry!

But here's an overview of how things are going!

Ask Undertale Yellow: Update hopefully either later today or sometime tomorrow

Proceed (Snowgrave Askbook): I just put up a new chapter today and I should update once every few days or so, if not daily, due to new support!

December Diaries: On hold until I finish Catti's Valentine. Which I know nobody else is reading but I want to finish :)

Catti's Valentine: New chapter today, more soon!

Ask Undertale Noelle: On hold. I am considering replacing this with a doodle-based future ask so I don't have to limit the characters to the ones who have talksprites and because it'd make me practice drawing more. I'd also separate the Undertale Yellow and Deltarune characters from within this AU with other books to prevent spoilers, particularly with Chapters 3 and 4 on the horizon.

Other projects: I have too many ideas for non-ask related books to come after Dess Diaries, as well as short standalone-stories in the vein of Catti's Valentine. I only want to work on one major and one short MAX at a time though, so refinement is taking a while. Let me know what sort of stuff you'd like to see more of and I might just incorporate it :)

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