I can't use all asks anymore

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Y'all, there's 26 asks on the most recent chapter of my Yellow book.

That's insane. That's a new record for this account, including when Ask Noelle was in its heyday.

So, just a reminder: I can't use all asks submitted.

Wattpad has a 20 image limit, and that has to include ask screenshots as well as textboxes. I usually try to steer clear of the limit for the sake of usability, particularly on mobile devices, and would prefer my readers don't scroll through a giant wall of very similar asks.

In the past, I've tried to include every ask when possible, but the simple fact is that it's not possible right now. And I get overwhelmed just thinking about how to incorporate as many as possible.

So! If your ask isn't chosen, don't be disheartened! I appreciate each and every comment and you'll have ample opportunity to be shown in future! :)

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