Status update 21/03/24

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First of all, sorry for a) neglecting Sunny Side Up and b) not posting bonus content while I was away like I said I would.

I've been swamped in schoolwork, personal life issues and a lack of motivation so I'm going to tone down production for a while. Additionally, during April I'll be on holiday internationally for a long time.

So here's how things are going to change:

- Sunny Side Up will be on temporary pause until I have my schoolwork under control, and then I'll make a huge deficit and shift posting from daily to twice a week (days to be confirmed). Rest assured, I'm not abandoning it!

- Proceed is on pause for now as I've reached a natural chapter break and I need some time to figure out how it's going to go for now, return date to be confirmed

- My focus is going to be on Ask Undertale Yellow and The War of Humans and Monsters for now, and although I'll try to post for both I won't pressure myself to be consistent and I'll try and ban myself from working on it during class.

- I might have the occasional bonus bit, mostly lyric or skit posts for now 

Thank you so much for your patience!

Updates, announcements and roadmapsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora