Updated trip schedule and some new announcements

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I haven't finished (read: started) lining up any content other than one book filled with reposted memes so this isn't set in stone just yet!

But basically, in the past I've done most of my writing during school holidays. Thing is, I'll be in Los Angeles for almost the whole holidays with only one full day of recovery before returning to school. It's going to be the trip of a lifetime and I'm pumped!

I have something in mind for each of you that I'll post anyway if not during the trip, so here's a rundown :)

Noe Way Home: Monster War AU Spinoff

Focused on the very character this account is based on, this story shows Noelle and her classmates being evacuated to a remote town in the southern kingdom to remain safe from the humans - and how her heart flips when she's rehomed with a really cute butch dinosaur monster.

New chapters of Sunny Side Up (Undertale Yellow based AU)

I have some plans for how to continue this what-if AU, which has been highly requested!

Undertale Yellow Random Stuff

My current Random Stuff book serves as a dumping ground for comics, memes, and non-serious textbox stories related to Undertale and Deltarune. A Yellow version complete with many queued entries is coming soon!

Dess Diaries Bonus Chapters

To celebrate Dess Diaries being finished, I want to make some little fast-forward stories to stick at the back of the book for funzies! Requests are open, but mostly I want to focus on them meeting certain milestones both as adults and as a couple.

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